roninoss / create-expo-stack

CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling via Nativewind, Restyle, Unistyles, StyleSheets, or Tamagui, and/or backend as a service such as Firebase and Supabase.
MIT License
1.38k stars 77 forks source link

Unable to resolve module crypto #188

Closed Azzyew closed 8 months ago

Azzyew commented 8 months ago

image image

My project configuration:

{ projectName: 'expo-muscle-finder', packages: [ { name: 'expo-router', type: 'navigation', options: { type: 'stack' } }, { name: 'nativewind', type: 'styling' } ], flags: { noGit: false, noInstall: false, overwrite: false, importAlias: true, packageManager: 'npm' } }

As soon as I create this app and try to run it, it gives me this crypto error. I've tried installing crypto but it still didn't work.

danstepanov commented 8 months ago

Will take a look tomorrow

danstepanov commented 8 months ago

@Azzyew I was able to run this without any issues on my machine

➜  test npx create-expo-stack
   ___  _ __  ___   __ _ | |_  ___
  / __|| '__|/ _ \ / _` || __|/ _ \
 | (__ | |  |  __/| (_| || |_|  __/
  \___||_|   \___| \__,_| \__|\___|
   ___ __  __ _ __    ___
  / _ \\ \/ /| '_ \  / _ \
 |  __/ >  < | |_) || (_) |
  \___|/_/\_\| .__/  \___/
       _     |_|        _
  ___ | |_  __ _   ___ | | __
 / __|| __|/ _` | / __|| |/ /
 \__ \| |_| (_| || (__ |   <
 |___/ \__|\__,_| \___||_|\_\

✔ What do you want to name your project? (my-expo-app) · expo-muscle-finder
✔ Would you like to use TypeScript with this project? (Y/n) · true
Good call, now using TypeScript! 🚀
✔ What would you like to use for Navigation? · Expo Router
✔ What type of navigation would you like to use? · Stack
Great, we'll use Expo Router!
✔ What would you like to use for styling? · Nativewind
You'll be styling with ease using Tailwind.
✔ What would you like to use for authentication? · None
No problem, skipping authentication for now.
✔ Which package manager would you like to use? · npm

Your project configuration:
  projectName: 'expo-muscle-finder',
  packages: [
      name: 'expo-router',
      type: 'navigation',
      options: { type: 'stack' }
    { name: 'nativewind', type: 'styling' }
  flags: {
    noGit: false,
    noInstall: false,
    overwrite: false,
    importAlias: true,
    packageManager: 'npm'

To recreate this project, run:
  npx create-expo-stack expo-muscle-finder --expo-router --nativewind

Initializing your project...

Copying base assets...

Installing dependencies using npm...

Cleaning up your project...

> expo-muscle-finder@1.0.0 format
> eslint "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}" --fix && prettier "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json}" --write

app-env.d.ts 82ms (unchanged)
app.json 14ms
app/_layout.tsx 4ms (unchanged)
app/[...unmatched].tsx 7ms (unchanged)
app/+html.tsx 5ms (unchanged)
app/details.tsx 8ms (unchanged)
app/index.tsx 3ms (unchanged)
babel.config.js 4ms (unchanged)
index.ts 0ms (unchanged)
metro.config.js 2ms (unchanged)
package-lock.json 80ms (unchanged)
package.json 0ms
tailwind.config.js 1ms (unchanged)
tsconfig.json 1ms

Initializing git...

Success! 🎉 Now, just run the following to get started:

cd expo-muscle-finder
npm run ios

If you frequently use create expo stack, please consider sponsoring the project ❤️

Running npm run ios worked fine without any errors.

Need more info to repro, are you sure you have react native and expo set up properly? I'm using create-expo-stack v2.3.15, Node v20.10.0, and npm v10.2.3.

Azzyew commented 8 months ago

I'm sorry, I was confusing the configuration since I mostly code on WSL Ubuntu, that's why it wasn't working. Thank you for your help!