ronisbr / PrettyTables.jl

Print data in formatted tables.
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PrettyTables for 2-dimensional KeyedArrays #243

Open jariji opened 4 months ago

jariji commented 4 months ago

I am seeking a table that looks more like the REPL display of the KeyedArray, rather than stacking it into a DataFrame-style format. Is that possible?

using RectiGrids, AxisKeys, PrettyTables

julia> grid('a':'c', 'A':'C')
2-dimensional KeyedArray(...) with keys:
↓   3-element StepRange{Char,...}
→   3-element StepRange{Char,...}
And data, 3×3 RectiGrids.RectiGridArr{Base.OneTo(2), Tuple{Char, Char}, 2, Tuple{Nothing, Nothing}, Tuple{StepRange{Char, Int64}, StepRange{Char, Int64}}}:
         ('A')         ('B')         ('C')
  ('a')    ('a', 'A')    ('a', 'B')    ('a', 'C')
  ('b')    ('b', 'A')    ('b', 'B')    ('b', 'C')
  ('c')    ('c', 'A')    ('c', 'B')    ('c', 'C')

julia> pretty_table(grid('a':'c', 'A':'C'))
│ dim_1 │ dim_2 │      value │
│     a │     A │ ('a', 'A') │
│     b │     A │ ('b', 'A') │
│     c │     A │ ('c', 'A') │
│     a │     B │ ('a', 'B') │
│     b │     B │ ('b', 'B') │
│     c │     B │ ('c', 'B') │
│     a │     C │ ('a', 'C') │
│     b │     C │ ('b', 'C') │
│     c │     C │ ('c', 'C') │
ronisbr commented 4 months ago

Hi @jariji !

Not easily! KeyedArray returns the following Tables:

julia> Tables.columns(a)
(dim_1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'], dim_2 = ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'C'], value = [('a', 'A'), ('b', 'A'), ('c', 'A'), ('a', 'B'), ('b', 'B'), ('c', 'B'), ('a', 'C'), ('b', 'C'), ('c', 'C')])

Hence, it is saying to PrettyTables that it is a table with three columns. I am not sure how we can support this kind of construction.

frankier commented 1 month ago

I think the way to deal with this would be to use a package extension and specialise for KeyedArray

ronisbr commented 1 month ago

Hi @frankier !

I do not agree. Otherwise we will have a HUGE number of extensions to handle each and every package. We really must support only Tables.jl interface except from very few native types (like Array).