ronivay / XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater

Xen Orchestra install/update script
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to update or install fresh #153

Closed gregyski closed 1 year ago

gregyski commented 1 year ago

OS Version: Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian 11.5.0 Node.js version: v16.18.0 Yarn version: 1.22.19

Server specs 2 vCPU 3 GB RAM (woops)

Issue Initially I tried to upgrade an existing installation on Ubuntu that had been upgraded before. When that was failing, I decided to start fresh assuming it was my end as I had had at least one failed upgrade due to disk space. So I setup a clean Debian 11.5 and installed using the sample config as-is. Both situations failed with the same error in the console and log:

[..] Running installation

[fail] Something went wrong, exiting. Check /home/_user_/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater/logs/xo-install.log-202211031539 for more details and use rollback feature if needed
src/views/settings/SettingsView.vue(102,17): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'XO_LITE_VERSION'.
src/views/settings/SettingsView.vue(103,17): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'XO_LITE_GIT_HEAD'.
error Command failed with exit code 2.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
ERROR: "type-check" exited with 2.
* @xen-orchestra/lite:build − Error: 1
[15:43:55] Finished 'buildScripts' after 1.72 min
[15:43:55] Finished 'build' after 1.72 min
✖ 1
error Command failed with exit code 1.

I note now that I gave it less RAM than recommended. I suspect that isn't the problem here, but I can adjust it up to 4 if requested.

Installation logfile xo-install.log-202211031539.log

mjtbrady commented 1 year ago

I have just encountered the same problem when attempting an upgrade on Debian 11.5.

I have 4GB RAM allocated to this VM, so that isn't the issue.

An upgrade worked yesterday on the same VM. From the log for he failed build Updating Xen Orchestra from '0623d837c' to 'ccafc15b6'

njpacoma commented 1 year ago

I have encountered this problem today as well. These are those items references ./@xen-orchestra/lite/src/views/settings/SettingsView.vue:const version = XO_LITE_VERSION; ./@xen-orchestra/lite/src/views/settings/SettingsView.vue:const gitHead = XO_LITE_GIT_HEAD; ./@xen-orchestra/lite/vite.config.ts: XO_LITE_VERSION: JSON.stringify(process.env.npm_package_version), ./@xen-orchestra/lite/vite.config.ts: XO_LITE_GIT_HEAD: JSON.stringify(process.env.GIT_HEAD),

I have not discovered a workaround for this.

ronivay commented 1 year ago

Indeed looks like a recent commit to XO master branch broke the build. There’s already at least one issue about it so let’s wait for a fix.

mjtbrady commented 1 year ago

It has been fixed for me. I have just done a successful update.

gregyski commented 1 year ago

Agreed, it is now working fine for me. It looks like I just had some really poor timing.