ronivay / XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater

Xen Orchestra install/update script
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.14k stars 189 forks source link

Unable to start xo-proxy #187

Closed fred974 closed 1 year ago

fred974 commented 1 year ago

OS Version: Debian11 Node.js version: v18.16.0 Yarn version: 1.22.19

Server specs 2vCPU 4GB Ram 30GB HDD

Issue We installed xp-proxy using option 4 from the script. When the script ended, the service cannot start `[info] Starting xo-proxy... waiting for port to be open waiting for port to be open waiting for port to be open waiting for port to be open waiting for port to be open waiting for port to be open

[fail] Installation completed, but looks like there was a problem when star xo-install.log-202305221238.txt ting xo-proxy. Check /root/XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater/logs/xo-install.log-202305221238 for more details

Control xo-proxy service with systemctl for stop/start/restart etc.`

Installation logfile Attach complete log as a file.


ronivay commented 1 year ago
2023-05-22T11:43:45.784Z xo:proxy:bootstrap WARN   Address already in use.

You already have something else listening to port 443 so xo-proxy can't start.

fred974 commented 1 year ago

Hi @ronivay

I just realise my mistake... I was trying to install xo-proxy on the same server as Xen Orchestra. I didn't realise xo-proxy needed to run in its own VM