ronivay / XenOrchestraInstallerUpdater

Xen Orchestra install/update script
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.22k stars 190 forks source link

Rasberry Pie 4/ 4gb Error, Worked before #65

Closed underling3311 closed 3 years ago

underling3311 commented 3 years ago

OS Version: Node.js version: node -v Yarn version: yarn -v

Server specs Rasberry Pie 4

Issue Xen Orchestra was about 1 month outdated and seems they have remove the option of using the pi. Before this update the pi it would work like any other computer that isn't arm. Everything work and I mean everything.

I ran the update and it broke itself. I wiped it put a new pi os (Clean). Now is giving me an error. It worked before why can't I use it now?

Installation logfile

Installation only supports 64bit OS. You seem to be running architecture: armv71
underling3311 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I found this in there. Now I have to waste more time removing this..

function CheckOS {

if [[ $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]]; then
    printfail "Installation only supports 64bit OS. You seem to be running architecture: $(uname -m)"
    exit 1

if [ -f /etc/centos-release ] ; then
    OSVERSION=$(grep -Eo "[0-9]" /etc/centos-release | head -1)
    if [[ $OSVERSION != "8" ]]; then
        printfail "Only CentOS 8 supported"
        exit 1
    cmdlog "which xe"
    if [[ $(which xe 2>>$LOGFILE) ]]; then
        printfail "xe binary found, don't try to run install on xcp-ng/xenserver host. use instead"
        exit 1
elif [[ -f /etc/os-release ]]; then
    OSVERSION=$(grep ^VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | grep -Eo "[0-9]{1,2}" | head -1)
    OSNAME=$(grep ^NAME /etc/os-release | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed 's/"//g' | awk '{print $1}')
    if [[ $OSNAME == "Debian" ]] && [[ ! $OSVERSION =~ ^(8|9|10)$ ]]; then
        printfail "Only Debian 8/9/10 supported"
        exit 1
    elif [[ $OSNAME == "Ubuntu" ]] && [[ ! $OSVERSION =~ ^(16|18|20)$ ]]; then
        printfail "Only Ubuntu 16/18/20 supported"
        exit 1
    printfail "Only CentOS 8 / Ubuntu 16/18 and Debian 8/9 supported"
    exit 1


underling3311 commented 3 years ago

I removed this code below. Error /opt/xo/xo-builds/xen-orchestraInstallerUpdater/logs/xo-install.log- (random numbers) Says "failed to installation."

Could you please fix this soon, I really need XenOrchestra online then I can access machines.

if [[ $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]]; then printfail "Installation only supports 64bit OS. You seem to be running architecture: $(uname -m)" exit 1 fi

ronivay commented 3 years ago


Is Raspbian listen as a supported OS? No it is not. Yes it might've been working earlier since it identifies itself essentially as Debian.

I get your frustration but you've ran unsupported configuration from the beginning. What this script does is essentially the manual installation procedure described in Xen Orchestra's own documentation where certain dependencies come from and 64bit OS is one of them. This wasn't checked by this script earlier so installation was ran on x86 32bit/arm architectures as well. There is no quarantees that some package dependencies and their versions are correct for arm as it happened with 32bit already.

You're free to make a patch for yourself if you wish to continue running on RaspberryPi, but it won't be added here simply because it isn't supported by Xen Orchestra itself. After removing the check, you’ve probably hit the similar issue as 32bit installation had in

underling3311 commented 3 years ago

@ronivay The rassberry Pi has a 64 bit os now, in beta. I have installed it however, it is aarch64. Can you add aarch64 to the what if statement to allow only aarch64?

If we can not add aarch64 to the list, then your telling me that aarch64 isn't supported correct? Could you explain more why aarch64 won't work if so.

64 Bit Os

If I would go out to the store and get a x86/64 bit like this, will this work?

ronivay commented 3 years ago

It is Xen Orchestra itself which dictates the requirements, this script only follows the documented procedure as i said. You can even skip using this script completely and just follow the official procedure yourself Just deal with all the package/dependency requirements yourself. I have no desire to start supporting OS which is in Beta and requires specific hardware to be tested properly. Even if my script would support it, there is no guarantee that it has correct dependent packages for Xen Orchestra to run/build properly.

underling3311 commented 3 years ago

Could you at least add it as a maybe for testing only? If anything breaks it is on you.

I am going to try build my .sh script and tell you how it goes. If it works like normal, could you add it to testing only?

underling3311 commented 3 years ago

If I would go out to the store and get a x86/64 bit like this, will this work?

ronivay commented 3 years ago

Please, try to understand. You have all the tools you need to do testing as much as you wish. Edit my script or skip to official procedure completely if this doesn't work for your specific use case. No, i won't be adding any experimental architectures or OS's which i can't test properly and/or aren't supported officially.

I have no experience of that hardware you linked. Most likely since it's x86 it works just fine.

ronivay commented 3 years ago


I remembered you requested this earlier. Latest version of script now supports the possibility to disable OS/Architecture checks if one wants to experiment. There is still no quarantee that installation works, actually it most likely fails when checks are disabled but option is there anyway :)