ronoth / LoStik

LoRaWAN compatible USB test device
MIT License
134 stars 40 forks source link

Problem with #17

Closed aditya767 closed 5 years ago

aditya767 commented 5 years ago

I am trying to send data packet from my windows PC through LoStik to My raspberry Pi gateway The status for transmission of packet to gateway is OK but I am not able to receive anything on gateway. I am using US configuration file and ABP. I ran and then One more doubt the default 923.3 Mhz frequency is uplink or downlink frequency. How to configure to a particular uplink frequency? Also what all codes from the repository should be run to be able to send packet to gateway? This is the output I get:

Connection to LoStik established mac set devaddr 260211EE mac set appskey 5C5A6E6DEC9EBF6F01575B7FFC508B07 mac set nwkskey 250AAA4CF48437307EF5ABE39EAB9954 mac join abp radio get freq radio set freq 904500000 mac pause mac resume radio set pwr 10 radio get freq STATUS: ok STATUS: ok STATUS: ok STATUS: ok STATUS: accepted UPDATING STATE to connected STATUS: 923300000 STATUS: ok STATUS: 4294967245 STATUS: ok STATUS: ok STATUS: 904500000 mac tx uncnf 1 1559768554 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768564 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768575 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768585 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768596 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768606 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768617 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768627 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768638 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768648 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768659 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768669 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768680 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768690 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768701 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768711 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768722 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768732 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768743 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768753 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768764 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768774 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768785 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768795 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768806 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768816 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 1559768827 STATUS: ok STATUS: mac_tx_ok mac tx uncnf 1 155976883

aditya767 commented 5 years ago

I tried my gateway with Arduino leonardo with RN2903, it was receiving packets but Lostik is sending packet but not to my gateway but other gateways as I am able to see packets in The things network. What could be the possible problem with my gateway? I am using Rpi dual channel gateway.