Open BigJonMMXX opened 6 months ago
Everything in this exercise works fine for me. Are you sure you were editing the "s" string defined at the top? These are the specific edits I made:
s = "Str therae! whatome!"
# Length should be 20
print("Length of s = %d" % len(s))
# First occurrence of "a" should be at index 8
print("The first occurrence of the letter a = %d" % s.index("a"))
# Number of a's should be 2
print("a occurs %d times" % s.count("a"))
# Slicing the string into bits
print("The first five characters are '%s'" % s[:5]) # Start to 5
print("The next five characters are '%s'" % s[5:10]) # 5 to 10
print("The thirteenth character is '%s'" % s[12]) # Just number 12
print("The characters with odd index are '%s'" %s[1::2]) #(0-based indexing)
print("The last five characters are '%s'" % s[-5:]) # 5th-from-last to end
# Convert everything to uppercase
print("String in uppercase: %s" % s.upper())
# Convert everything to lowercase
print("String in lowercase: %s" % s.lower())
# Check how a string starts
if s.startswith("Str"):
print("String starts with 'Str'. Good!")
# Check how a string ends
if s.endswith("ome!"):
print("String ends with 'ome!'. Good!")
# Split the string into three separate strings,
# each containing only a word
print("Split the words of the string: %s" % s.split(" "))
Ive reached the exercise at the bottom of page And it is IMPOSSIBLE to get the right answer from the instructions.
Is this the quality of LearnX ????????