ronrothjr / tricklejs

TrickleJs - Global filters widget using Knockout ...
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Add text box control for filter and slider for numeric range filter #6

Open c-arnab opened 8 years ago

c-arnab commented 8 years ago

Found this project while browsing github, found it really cool.. would be nice if you could add a simple text box control for a basic filter and a slider for numeric range filter. Also document the exact changes necessary to add these two control to the project on wiki. Then others could add their own controls to this project and make this a richer project.

ronrothjr commented 8 years ago

I like your suggestion and I think it could make the tool more useful. I'm just not sure how much demand there is for a KnockoutJs-based filter widget. I've maintained this widget so far just for use with my company. However, this project might be getting an upgrade soon to AngularJS and it might allow React components for the views. Thanks for your interest.