ronvanderheijden / openid-connect

Adds the OpenID Connect identity layer to the PHP League's OAuth2 Server. With Laravel Passport support.
MIT License
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Update composer packages #22

Open ronvanderheijden opened 4 months ago

ronvanderheijden commented 4 months ago

The composer packages are outdated, we should update and test.

composer outdated --direct

guzzlehttp/psr7               1.9.1 -> 2.6.2
lcobucci/jwt                  4.3.0 -> 5.3.0
overtrue/phplint              2.4.1 -> 9.1.2 
phpunit/phpunit               9.6.19 -> 11.1.3
slevomat/coding-standard      6.4.1 -> 8.15.0
symplify/easy-coding-standard 9.4.70 -> 12.1.14
ronvanderheijden commented 4 months ago

Another question that pops to mind is if we should drop support of PHP 7.4 and 8.0, since they are end-of-life: