roohy / iLASH

iLASH - IBD Estimation Using Locality Sensitive Hashing
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The number of SNPs in at least one of the samples does not match the number of SNPs in the map file #1

Closed jianggl2000 closed 2 years ago

jianggl2000 commented 2 years ago

Updates: Have this issue for some ped/map files generated by PLINK.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'DimensionException' what(): The number of SNPs in at least one of the samples does not match the number of SNPs in the map file

roohy commented 2 years ago

A standard map/ped pair of files would always share the same number of SNPs between them. Getting this error means either one of the files is corrupted, or the two did not belong to the same data in the first place.