roohy / iLASH

iLASH - IBD Estimation Using Locality Sensitive Hashing
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No Output created #11

Open bassanio opened 8 months ago

bassanio commented 8 months ago

Hi ,

I was running through my data and I got the following stdout but I have got empty results

Map file address:
Loaded 56872 lines of SNP data.
Number of slices:1
Done with slicing.
The seed used for pseudo-random number generation is:1697441505944131589
Approximating for 0.7 for interest and 0.1 for Match
1/5: 0.447214
2/5: 0.632456
3/5: 0.774597
4/5: 0.894427
5/5: 1
Interest T:3
 Match T:1
The number of cores on the host: 64
Genotype file:ALL-phased_chr1_maf0nly.ped.
Threads started
Read everything from the file.
Waiting for threads for finish their jobs
Starting Writer Threads...
All Threads Working
Everything done in the writer part

My Config file


ped ALL-phased_chr1_maf0nly.ped

output ALL-phased_chr1.match

slice_size 30

step_size 30

perm_count 10

shingle_size 10

shingle_overlap 0

bucket_count 5

max_thread 2

match_threshold 0.10

interest_threshold 0.70

min_length 0.6

auto_slice 1

slice_length 2.9

cm_overlap 0

minhash_threshold 5

Map File : I have kept the centimorgans in plink as 0 for every position

1   1_784860    0   784860
1   1_785739    0   785739
roohy commented 8 months ago

Hi, As a first step, you need correct genetic distance information in centimorgans in your map file.