rooi / homebridge-lightwaverf

LightwaveRF plugin for HomeBridge
9 stars 7 forks source link

where have i gone wrong! #29

Closed atariboy2 closed 4 years ago

atariboy2 commented 7 years ago

[5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lightwaverf [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-lightwaverf.LightWaveRF' [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] --- [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms. [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] --- [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] Loading 1 platforms... [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] [LightWaveRF] Initializing LightWaveRF platform... [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] [LightWaveRF] LightWaveRF Platform Plugin Version 0.1.2 [5/4/2017, 9:24:45 PM] [LightWaveRF] Fetching LightWaveRF switches and dimmers... Receiver socket listening events.js:163 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^

Error: write EPROTO 140736785351616:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:794:

at exports._errnoException (util.js:1034:11)
at WriteWrap.afterWrite [as oncomplete] (net.js:812:14)

Neils-Mac-mini:~ withdesign$

Solublepeter commented 7 years ago

I have this issue too. Same error message apart from the last bit

    at exports._errnoException (util.js:1018:11)
    at WriteWrap.afterWrite (net.js:800:14)
lupe commented 7 years ago

Just setting up a Pi to run Homebridge for Lightwave and getting this same error.

rooi commented 7 years ago


Are you able to login on one of these portals using a four digit pin?

If not, then you probably have accounts on the new portal. You can still use this plugin but have to manually specify the devices (and figure out which roomID and deviceID correspond to your devices).

Does this help?


lupe commented 7 years ago

Hey Roy, thanks for the reply.

I've tried both of those hosts in the config.json. Is there a webpage form for those servers i can try to login on to be sure?

I can login to with email & pin - is that the new portal?

rooi commented 7 years ago

It seems you're on the new site.

Full links to the old ones are:

If you cannot login there you can try the following config file format (see main readme):

"platforms": [ { "platform" : "LightWaveRF", "name" : "LightWaveRF", "ip_address": "", "devices": [ { "roomId": 1, "roomName": "LivingRoom", "deviceId": 1, "deviceName": "MyLight", "deviceType": "D" }, { "roomId": 1, "roomName": "LivingRoom", "deviceId": 2, "deviceName": "MyLight", "deviceType": "D" }, { "roomId": 1, "roomName": "LivingRoom", "deviceId": 3, "deviceName": "MyGarageDoor", "deviceType": "G", "timeOut": 10 } { "roomId": 1, "roomName": "LivingRoom", "deviceId": 3, "deviceName": "MyBlinds", "deviceType": "WC", "timeOut": 15 } ] } ]

lupe commented 7 years ago

Ah ok, I did do a hard reset of the Link a few months back and re-registered it so guess it migrated me to the new host. is throwing me a deprecated SSL error, that wouldn't be causing an issue for the plugin would it?

I assume if I were to try and register the Link with the old sites i'd have to start from fresh and go back to old app etc.? Was hoping to avoid having to manually enter the devices!

Thanks again for all the help Rooi.

rooi commented 7 years ago

Guess they did. A while ago I tried to obtain the roomIDs and deviceIDs from the new website, but it did not work then. Perhaps you can try by logging in and checking the page its source for references to these IDs. If they are there you can also use them to create the config file for the plugin and if this works, perhaps we can automate it.

lupe commented 7 years ago

At work right now, but from a quick look at the source of one of the room pages it looks like they might have changed how they reference Rooms/Devices.

Device IDs (And Rooms) are now much longer, so perhaps they've made them easier to reference with a unique ID instead of having to call RoomID/DeviceID

For Example: data-room_id="95714" data-on_event="" data-device_type_id="1" data-value="Off" data-device_id="283979

And the web controls also reference things like name="onoff-301563" which is promising (i think? i'm not much of a coder!)

Have attached source from room page roomsrc.txt