rook / rook

Storage Orchestration for Kubernetes
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ci: use markdownlint to enforce mkdocs compatibility (backport #14114) #14146

Closed mergify[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

mkdocs uses a markdown renderer that is hardcoded to 4 spaces per tab for detecting indentation levels, including ordered- and unordered-lists. Since we cannot easily change the renderer, begin using a markdown linter in CI that will fail if official docs do not adhere to the spacing rules.

As a starting point, the markdownlint config does not begin with the default set of checks, which might overwhelm attempts to fix them. Instead, focus on list-tab-spacing rules and a few other highly useful checks.

markdownlint also has some gaps in its abilities that allow common Rook doc issues to pass acceptance. However, it allows creating custom linting plugins. Create 2 such linting plugins to check 2 things:

For the strange lists, this is allowed and renders correctly, but it looks strange:

- first bullet
- second bullet
    still second bullet
- third bullet

    has a paragraph
    of text inside

- last bullet


mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Cherry-pick of c9d99e01a08871788a10307882c35dbc640f6858 has failed:

On branch mergify/bp/release-1.14/pr-14114
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/release-1.14'.

You are currently cherry-picking commit c9d99e01a.
  (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue")
  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
  (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)

Changes to be committed:
    new file:   .markdownlint-cli2.cjs
    modified:   .vscode/settings.json
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Block-Storage/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/external-cluster/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Object-Storage/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Object-Storage/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Object-Storage/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Shared-Filesystem/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/
    modified:   Documentation/CRDs/
    modified:   Documentation/Contributing/
    modified:   Documentation/Contributing/
    modified:   Documentation/Contributing/
    modified:   Documentation/Contributing/
    modified:   Documentation/Getting-Started/Prerequisites/
    modified:   Documentation/Getting-Started/
    modified:   Documentation/Getting-Started/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Advanced/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Advanced/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Advanced/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Advanced/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Block-Storage-RBD/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Block-Storage-RBD/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Ceph-CSI/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Ceph-CSI/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Monitoring/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Monitoring/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/NFS/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/NFS/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Object-Storage-RGW/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Object-Storage-RGW/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Object-Storage-RGW/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Object-Storage-RGW/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Shared-Filesystem-CephFS/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Shared-Filesystem-CephFS/
    modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Troubleshooting/
    modified:   Documentation/Upgrade/
    modified:   Documentation/Upgrade/
    modified:   Documentation/Upgrade/
    new file:   tests/scripts/markdownlint-admonitions.js
    new file:   tests/scripts/markdownlint-tab-spacing.js

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
    both modified:   Documentation/CRDs/Cluster/external-cluster/
    both modified:   Documentation/Storage-Configuration/Ceph-CSI/

To fix up this pull request, you can check it out locally. See documentation:

BlaineEXE commented 2 weeks ago

@mergifyio rebase

mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


β˜‘οΈ Nothing to do

- [ ] `-conflict` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] `-closed` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] `queue-position=-1` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] any of: - [X] `#commits-behind>0` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [ ] `#commits>1` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [ ] `-linear-history` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement]
mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request has merge conflicts that must be resolved before it can be merged. @mergify[bot] please rebase it.

BlaineEXE commented 2 weeks ago

@mergify rebase

mergify[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


β˜‘οΈ Nothing to do

- [ ] `-conflict` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] `-closed` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] `queue-position=-1` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [X] any of: - [X] `#commits-behind>0` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [ ] `#commits>1` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement] - [ ] `-linear-history` [πŸ“Œ rebase requirement]
BlaineEXE commented 2 weeks ago

I still don't understand @mergify rebase. It seems utterly useless for actually rebasing, so I did it manually after backporting the 2 recent doc PRs. No conflicts at all after that.

travisn commented 2 weeks ago

I still don't understand @mergify rebase. It seems utterly useless for actually rebasing, so I did it manually after backporting the 2 recent doc PRs. No conflicts at all after that.

I've also found mergify rebase doesn't seems to work when there are conflicts