rooklift / chlorine

Replay viewer for Halite 2, in JS (Electron)
37 stars 6 forks source link

Feature request : add frame number on renderer window #13

Closed wizzup closed 6 years ago

wizzup commented 6 years ago

The top-right corner look like a good place to add current frame number.


rooklift commented 6 years ago

Hmm top right is used for distances, if you click on an object then a different object.

Does your OS have window title bars? On most OS's the frame number is there...

wizzup commented 6 years ago

If you can, please don't use title bar. I am using tiling window manager (xmonad) and xmobar for status bar. Window title is basically useless for me.

But if you really want to use window title. Please put the frame number before anything to prevent clipping. The xmobar space for window title I have is not much.

rooklift commented 6 years ago

Try it now I guess.

wizzup commented 6 years ago

