rooklift / ogatak

KataGo analysis GUI and SGF editor
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
80 stars 14 forks source link

[Feature Request] Mac version #54

Open PabloLION opened 2 years ago

PabloLION commented 2 years ago

Hi. I've seen videos on this GUI and I liked the functionality of showing the win rate number on the stones. However I'm mainly working on Mac. Would you mind to have a Mac build?

I see that this is build with electron, so I guess it should be easy. If any help is needed, I can probably make a PR. Thanks.

rooklift commented 2 years ago

Hmm - Ogatak is currently packaged "manually" (well, I have a script for it, but basically it just drops the source files into an Electron package as described here).

Not having a Mac myself, I think its awkward for me to do this for Mac. I seem to remember some issue last time I tried. If you actually wanted to make a repo with a Mac release I could link to it.

PabloLION commented 2 years ago

I'll try to build this week much later and close this in a new PR. Thanks for the guidance.

ChinChangYang commented 1 year ago

I can run ogatak by cd src; electron .. Basic features just work, though ogatak seems not be able to load a SGF file from my Macbook.

rooklift commented 1 year ago

@ChinChangYang - sorry for the lateness of this reply, but I think that should be fixed in the current source.

ChinChangYang commented 1 year ago

@ChinChangYang - sorry for the lateness of this reply, but I think that should be fixed in the current source.

Thanks for the fix. It works now!

knyckis commented 1 year ago

+1 on the Mac build wish! I do not feel tech savvy enough to try to any of the advice above, so if there is any possibility for you guys to make a mac build it would be greatly appreciated. Katago-Spelled-Backwards is truly great, please help us non-techy mac people! (h)

knyckis commented 1 year ago

By using the package method linked by @rooklift, I managed to get the program going on my mac. I also installed katago on the mac via homebrew as described here (i.e. I run brew install katago) after installing Homebrew. So far so good, I guess, but after firing up Ogatak, I don't seem to be able to configure as described. I can of course "Locate Katago" in the sense of finding the unix executable file with that name, but does not seem to work. And I do not even find the "Choose weights" command under Setup. Any pointers would be much appreciated.

rooklift commented 1 year ago

Weights and network are the same thing. What exactly is happening?

knyckis commented 1 year ago

Weights and network are the same thing. What exactly is happening?

Nothing happened, i.e. it still said that it needed setup. But it turned out (I assume) that it just meant that there was MORE setup to do, since when you told me that weights = network, and I guessed (in analogy with #6 of this helpful post) how to "locate KataGo analysis config...", it suddenly worked! So now all I need to do is figure out how to actually use all the fine aspects of the program :)

Thanks for your help!

knyckis commented 1 year ago

I have now re-done the process on my second mac, taking notes along the way, thinking it might help other non-tech-savvy mac owners to enjoy this lovely program. As becomes evident in the step by step below, I pretty much had to start from scratch (yes I did not even knowing what this Electron stuff was), which means that if you already have the preparatory programs, you may of course skip right to step C and onwards. And yes, all the commands or typed in the mac Terminal:

Step A, preparations: Node.js and npm

  1. Download Node.js and npm: Visit the official Node.js website to download Node.js. Choose the version that's appropriate for your system. npm is included in the installation.
  2. Install Node.js and npm: Follow the prompts in the Node.js download file to install Node.js and npm.
  3. Verify the Installation: Open a new command prompt or terminal window, and type node -v and npm -v. If Node.js and npm were installed correctly, you should see their version numbers in response.

Step B, more preparation: Install Homebrew and git [Homebew is needed for Katago installation later (step D) and also provides an easier way to install git, so you might as well do it now.]

  1. For Homebrew, follow instructions in, which is to type the command
    1. /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. For git, the command is then: brew install git

Step C: Download the Ogatak code from github and cd to the directory “src” (most likely downloaded to the mac Downloads folder): Use Electron Forge to make an executable file app file: ( In terminal, write the following: npm install --save-dev @electron-forge/cli npx electron-forge import [In my case it now asked me to install the command line developer tools (I just hade to confirm “Install”)] npm run make Hurrah, you now have an app to click on, and Ogatak fires right away!

Step D: Install katago Simply type: brew install katago

STEP E: set katago as the engine in Ogatak All that is left now is to tell Ogatak three katago locations and the magic will start: Setup -> Locate Katago: This is the executable under the bin directory (in my case /usr/local/Cellar/katago/1.13.2/bin/katago) Setup -> Locate Katago analysis config: Here i am only guessing, but I picked the analysis_example.cfg (/usr/local/Cellar/katago/1.13.2/share/katago/configs/analysis_example.cfg) Setup -> Choose Network: Here you pick one of the bin.gz files in the katago directory. I guess that b40 > b30 > b20 in terms of strength and the reverse goes in terms of speed, but either will get you going.

Bingo, you can now start to get beaten by the AI, or just analyze, analyze away!