roomkey / lein-v

Drive leiningen project version from git instead of the other way around
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Code isn't published to public Maven repo #4

Closed code-ape closed 8 years ago

code-ape commented 8 years ago

I went to try out lein-v (it looks super handy) and added it to my plugin dependencies only to find the following error:

$ lein install
Could not find artifact com.roomkey:lein-v:jar:6.1.0 in central (
Could not find artifact com.roomkey:lein-v:jar:6.1.0 in clojars (

I know I can just clone and install it but I was wondering if there was any reason why there is no public publishing of the build for it? I would think that having such a thing would help with adoption.

Cheers, code-ape

cch1 commented 8 years ago

Can you provide a copy of your project.clj and any significant info from your profile? If I do lein new x and tweak project.clj to add the lein-v plugin, it works for me. Here is my resulting project.clj:

(defproject x "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :plugins [[com.roomkey/lein-v "6.1.0"]]
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]])

It's possible something is messed up with Clojars, but if so, I can't find it. Please provide the complete output from running lein v after you have modified project.clj. Here is what you should see:

[cch1@cch:~/Development/x]$ lein v
Retrieving com/roomkey/lein-v/6.1.0/lein-v-6.1.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving com/roomkey/lein-v/6.1.0/lein-v-6.1.0.jar from clojars
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Effective version: 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT, SCM workspace state: null
code-ape commented 8 years ago

@cch1 looks like something was wrong with my local Maven repo. Removed everything pertaining to lein-v, tried again, and it worked. Sorry for the false alarm!