roomorama / Caldroid

A better calendar for Android
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Date Color Customization #469

Open mohitrajput987 opened 6 years ago

mohitrajput987 commented 6 years ago

How can I customize date colors for both enabled and disabled date? As per the current style customization, if I set any color, it reflects in disabled/outer dates also.

I want black color on current month's date and gray color on other months' dates which are displayed in the current month.

mfc92 commented 6 years ago

First of all, you must create a new selector in drawable, like this one:

Then, you have to override Caldroid's theme creating your own theme in your styles.xml. It should be something like this:

    <!-- Calendar theme. -->
    <style name="CaldroidCustom" parent="CaldroidDefault">
        <item name="styleCaldroidNormalCell">@style/CaldroidCustomNormalCell</item>
        <item name="styleCaldroidSquareCell">@style/CaldroidCustomSquareCell</item>

    <style name="CaldroidCustomCell" parent="CaldroidDefaultCell">
        <item name="android:textColor">@drawable/cell_text_color</item>

    <style name="CaldroidCustomNormalCell" parent="CaldroidCustomCell">
        <item name="android:padding">5dp</item>

    <style name="CaldroidCustomSquareCell" parent="CaldroidCustomCell" />

Finally, add your new theme to calendar:

caldroidFragment = new CaldroidFragment();

I hope it helps! :)