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make MS corefonts optional #8357

Open Alessandro-Barbieri opened 3 years ago

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 3 years ago

With the bundled MS corefonts, root license isn't completely free. What I ask is to make MS corefonts optional. A patch from Fedora is also available here

Axel-Naumann commented 3 years ago

We considered replacing them with

Thanks for pointing out the fedora patch - looks good, actually - too bad that never made it upstream! I'll assign to @bellenot so see which route we should take: replace the files with "liberation" or patch ROOT to use fontconfig.

bellenot commented 3 years ago

OK, I'll check what to do on Windows and MacOS (i.e. all non-X platforms since fontconfig depends on X)

amadio commented 2 years ago

According to, fontconfig does not depend on X.

bellenot commented 2 years ago

According to, fontconfig does not depend on X.

OK, fine, but it uses configure/make and I'll have to figure out how to build it and how far it's supported on Windows...

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 2 years ago

What about replacing them with a free alternative? Distributing the microsoft fonts like this is a violation of their EULA

bellenot commented 2 years ago

What about replacing them with a free alternative?

Yes, I think it will be simpler

Alessandro-Barbieri commented 2 years ago

@bellenot is there a solution you are going to accept?

bellenot commented 2 years ago

@bellenot is there a solution you are going to accept?

I will investigate as soon as I have some time

Axel-Naumann commented 1 year ago

Liberation fonts seem to be a drop-in replacement with an adequate license. They are missing symbol.ttf which is a font we need. Some doc suggests "Symbol Neu", but Fedora seems to suggest that they are not "released" anymore, whatever that means.

Anyone knows of a FOSS symbol.ttf?

badshah400 commented 3 months ago

@Axel-Naumann Google's Noto Symbols fonts might be options, they are both free (SIL Open Font License):

PS: I have vested interest in this as someone interested in getting root into default openSUSE repositories but cannot because of this final licensing issue.

Axel-Naumann commented 3 months ago

Awesome - I missed those in my search for potential replacements. @dpiparo FYI!

stephanlachnit commented 1 month ago

I was actually just looking into this as well.

@Axel-Naumann for alternatives, might be a useful link. Fontconfig itself considers the Liberation fonts closest to the MS Core Fonts (see

SymbolNeu was last releases with ChromeOS Core fonts 1.23.0 and since dropped, but can be downloaded here. Could be added back into distribution packages. Noto Sans Symbols isn't an alternative, it doesn't feature the same symbols.

stephanlachnit commented 1 month ago

I also found StandardSymbolsPS as a possible replacement for symbols.ttf. You might find a useful website to compare fonts.