root-systems / catstack

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should catstack bundle utility functions like lodash or micro-js/* #101

Open ahdinosaur opened 8 years ago

ahdinosaur commented 8 years ago


/cc @iainkirkpatrick

iainkirkpatrick commented 8 years ago

hmmm, immediate thoughts:

pros: currying is nice, it makes me want to write nicer, more modular functions. immutable operations sounds nice too though the docs don't really explain what that means.

cons: can't refer as easily to the main lodash docs for help, and the fp docs aren't as nice with examples etc. some custom args order for some functions?

wonder if it's worth figuring out how often we would actually _.curry with regular lodash, and if it's pretty often, then switch?

ahdinosaur commented 7 years ago

regarding original issue: going to try using lodash/fp on %cobuy, will see how it goes.

however will refocus this issue on the question: should catstack bundle utility functions, either as an normal export or depject modules?