1. split out front and back-end
- biz
- utilize best practice deployment
- front-end static site
- back-end dynamic api
- quicker front-end time-to-first-meaningful-paint
- maintain shared knowledge via helpful documentation
- estimate: 40 hours
2. upgrade deps
- biz
- decrease lag from rest of JavaScript ecosystem
- increase confidence of tool based on learnings
- estimate:
- notes
- material
- feathers
- explicit express server
- built-in client hooks
- new server channels
- feathers-reactive
- react
- dogstack-agents
- merge agents profiles and credentials into single table
- was a mistake to do otherwise, caused more trouble than gain
3. raise the base
- biz
- dogstack should reflect a professional production app
- we have more quality code to start our projects with
- details
- example should include:
- register flow
- reset password
- update profile
- host user images on s3
- change password
- worker: node-resque (+ redis)
- better logging system with pino
- unit tests: ava
- end-to-end tests: codecept
- continuous integration: travis
- continuous deployment: heroku or dokku
- crash reporting: sentry
4. modular dogstore
- biz
- lighter dependencies (so quicker initial page load)
- more shared knowledge of the inner workings of dogstack
- create something re-useable outside of dogstack
- more friendly dev tool
- aim to slowly build as part of mindedapp.com
5. own our infrastructure
- details
- docker swarm
- logging viz