Open mrThinBone opened 8 years ago
It seems that pan/swipe gesture has taken over touch gesture, how can I fix it?
I came across the exact issue and what I did was adjusting panCloseMask so that the child component onPress event get triggered, not very ideal but it works for now
I had to do some dirty hack by overriding onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture (for more info read: so that the panOpenMask would stop messing with my top left corner button.
What worked for me was to set PanCloseMask to a lower value panCloseMask: .2
Any updates?
As title, I'm not able to click on any TouchableHighLight which is the child of Drawer. I have configured as the following snippet
<Drawer ref={c => this.drawer = c} type={'displace'} openDrawerOffset={100} closedDrawerOffset={0} panOpenMask={.1} panCloseMask={.9} relativeDrag={false} content={navLayout} styles={drawerStyles} tapToClose={false} negotiatePan={true} side={'left'}> CHILD COMPONENT </Drawer>