root3nl / SupportApp

The Support App is developed by Root3, specialized in managing Apple devices. Root3 offers consultancy and support for organizations to get the most out of their Apple devices and is based in The Netherlands (Halfweg).
MIT License
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Feature Request: Color and Center footer text #109

Open robjschroeder opened 1 year ago

robjschroeder commented 1 year ago

The color of the footer text is difficult to see when using Dark Mode in macOS. It would be nice to be able to change the color based on light mode or dark mode, similar to the icon color feature. Additionally, it would be nice to center the footer text as well.

Bretterteig commented 1 year ago

Yes, please add adaptive text color so that one can read the text in both light & dark mode!

jordywitteman commented 1 year ago

Will be added in v2.5

bradtchapman commented 1 year ago

@jordywitteman : will this include being able to insert line breaks in the footer? I've found it useful to add Jamf Configuration Profile Variables in there.

Here's what I've configured for a test. It's not ideal, but it gets the job done and allows us to populate the Support app with more information than we could squeeze into 8-12 buttons or a custom script.

❯❯❯ FOR TECHLINE USE ONLY ❯❯❯ JSS ID: $JSSID ❖ Serial Number: $SERIALNUMBER ❖ Assigned Site: $EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_56 ❖ Assigned to $USERNAME ❖ Home Folder Size (GB): $EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_346

Having line breaks (and perhaps a monospace font selection) would be awesome, so that this line in the configuration profile...

FOR TECHLINE USE ONLY \n------------------------ \nJSS ID Number: $JSSID \nSerial Number: $SERIALNUMBER \nAssigned Site: $EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_56 \nAssigned to : $USERNAME \nHome Folder : $EXTENSIONATTRIBUTE_346

Might render like this in the Support app footer:

JSS ID Number: 12345
Serial Number: ABC123WXYZ
Assigned Site: SecOps
Assigned To  : ethan.hunt
Home Folder  : 125 GB
kevinmcox commented 1 year ago

Is centering the footer text included in 2.5? I'm not seeing anything related to that in RC1.

jordywitteman commented 1 year ago

The FooterText provides better contrast since v2.5 and should be easier to read. The text is not centered as it was intentionally aligned to the left. Perhaps an enhancement for a future release