rootless-containers / usernetes

Kubernetes without the root privileges
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How to get access to ingress controller #273

Open cloud-66 opened 1 year ago

cloud-66 commented 1 year ago

What is the best way to get access to service in cluster through ingress-controller ? I used to use hostNetwork: true for ingress-controller in typical kubernetes bootstraped by kubeadm. Is it possible on rootless kubernetes ? Another way is to expose nodeport of ingress-controller service Now i'm using it by opening port with socat command

pid=$(cat $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/usernetes/rootlesskit/child_pid)
socat -t -- TCP-LISTEN:30080,reuseaddr,fork EXEC:"nsenter -U -n -t $pid socat -t -- STDIN TCP4\:\:30080"

I need more automated way. Maybe i have to create systemd service which execute this command?

If i try to use rootlessctl i get the error. How can I solve it?

 ./rootlessctl add-ports
error: please specify --socket or set $ROOTLESSKIT_STATE_DIR
AkihiroSuda commented 1 year ago


Currently unsupported.


Please try this