roots / trellis

WordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.2, Composer, WP-CLI and more
MIT License
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Issues with vagrant up #7

Closed rkoberg closed 10 years ago

rkoberg commented 10 years ago

First, had to uninstall my brew installed vagrant. Both the brew install and gem install version 1.5.0. I downloaded the dmg from the vagrant site and installed the latest version 1.6.1.

Then I needed to a directory for my local site at the same level as the bedrock-ansible folder. (probably should be in the docs)

Next I got an error:

ImportError: No module named markupsafe

Fixed that with:

$ sudo pip install markupsafe

That installed with errors, so I did with help from the google:

$ export ARCHFLAGS="-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future"
$ sudo pip install markupsafe
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): markupsafe in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages
Cleaning up...

So assuming everything is good, I did a vagrant destroy and a vagrant up. This told me:

TASK: [wordpress-sites | Install Dependencies with Composer] ****************** 
failed: [default] => (item={'site_install': True, 'admin_user': 'admin', 'site_name': '', 'system_cron': True, 'user': 'vagrant', 'run_composer': True, 'multisite': {'enabled': False}, 'group': 'www-data', 'site_title': 'bedrock', 'admin_password': 'admin', 'env': {'wp_env': 'development', 'db_user': 'bedrock_dbuser', 'db_password': 'bedrock_dbpassword', 'wp_siteurl': '', 'db_name': 'bedrock_dev', 'wp_home': ''}, 'site_hosts': ['', ''], 'admin_email': ''}) => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["composer", "install"], "delta": "0:00:00.043257", "end": "2014-05-11 17:27:19.163028", "item": {"admin_email": "", "admin_password": "admin", "admin_user": "admin", "env": {"db_name": "bedrock_dev", "db_password": "bedrock_dbpassword", "db_user": "bedrock_dbuser", "wp_env": "development", "wp_home": "", "wp_siteurl": ""}, "group": "www-data", "multisite": {"enabled": false}, "run_composer": true, "site_hosts": ["", ""], "site_install": true, "site_name": "", "site_title": "bedrock", "system_cron": true, "user": "vagrant"}, "rc": 1, "start": "2014-05-11 17:27:19.119771"}
stdout: Composer could not find a composer.json file in /srv/www/
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file as described in the "Getting Started" section

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

I added a roots/bedrock current/composer.json to my directory, did a vagrant provision, which also failed with the same error as above. This was wrong, I should have added the composer.json to the folder (not add a current/composer.json to folder). That got me through the above error.

This resulted in the following error where I am stuck:

TASK: [wordpress-sites | WP installed?] *************************************** 
failed: [default] => (item={'site_install': True, 'admin_user': 'admin', 'site_name': '', 'system_cron': True, 'user': 'vagrant', 'run_composer': True, 'multisite': {'enabled': False}, 'group': 'www-data', 'site_title': 'bedrock', 'admin_password': 'admin', 'env': {'wp_env': 'development', 'db_user': 'bedrock_dbuser', 'db_password': 'bedrock_dbpassword', 'wp_siteurl': '', 'db_name': 'bedrock_dev', 'wp_home': ''}, 'site_hosts': ['', ''], 'admin_email': ''}) => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["wp", "core", "is-installed", "--allow-root"], "delta": "0:00:00.045793", "end": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.135343", "item": {"admin_email": "", "admin_password": "admin", "admin_user": "admin", "env": {"db_name": "bedrock_dev", "db_password": "bedrock_dbpassword", "db_user": "bedrock_dbuser", "wp_env": "development", "wp_home": "", "wp_siteurl": ""}, "group": "www-data", "multisite": {"enabled": false}, "run_composer": true, "site_hosts": ["", ""], "site_install": true, "site_name": "", "site_title": "bedrock", "system_cron": true, "user": "vagrant"}, "rc": 1, "start": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.089550"}
stderr: Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install.
Pass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download`.

TASK: [wordpress-sites | Install WP] ****************************************** 
failed: [default] => (item={'item': {'site_install': True, 'admin_user': 'admin', 'site_name': '', 'system_cron': True, 'user': 'vagrant', 'run_composer': True, 'multisite': {'enabled': False}, 'group': 'www-data', 'site_title': 'bedrock', 'admin_password': 'admin', 'env': {'wp_env': 'development', 'db_user': 'bedrock_dbuser', 'db_password': 'bedrock_dbpassword', 'wp_siteurl': '', 'db_name': 'bedrock_dev', 'wp_home': ''}, 'site_hosts': ['', ''], 'admin_email': ''}, u'delta': u'0:00:00.045793', u'cmd': [u'wp', u'core', u'is-installed', u'--allow-root'], u'end': u'2014-05-11 17:54:59.135343', u'stderr': u'Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install.\nPass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download`.', u'stdout': u'', 'invocation': {'module_name': 'command', 'module_args': u'wp core is-installed --allow-root chdir=/srv/www/'}, u'changed': True, u'rc': 1, u'start': u'2014-05-11 17:54:59.089550'}) => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["wp", "core", "install", "--allow-root", "--url=", "--title=bedrock", "--admin_user=admin", "--admin_password=admin", ""], "delta": "0:00:00.034885", "end": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.274118", "item": {"changed": true, "cmd": ["wp", "core", "is-installed", "--allow-root"], "delta": "0:00:00.045793", "end": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.135343", "invocation": {"module_args": "wp core is-installed --allow-root chdir=/srv/www/", "module_name": "command"}, "item": {"admin_email": "", "admin_password": "admin", "admin_user": "admin", "env": {"db_name": "bedrock_dev", "db_password": "bedrock_dbpassword", "db_user": "bedrock_dbuser", "wp_env": "development", "wp_home": "", "wp_siteurl": ""}, "group": "www-data", "multisite": {"enabled": false}, "run_composer": true, "site_hosts": ["", ""], "site_install": true, "site_name": "", "site_title": "bedrock", "system_cron": true, "user": "vagrant"}, "rc": 1, "start": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.089550", "stderr": "Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install.\nPass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download`.", "stdout": ""}, "rc": 1, "start": "2014-05-11 17:54:59.239233"}
stderr: Error: This does not seem to be a WordPress install.
Pass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download`.

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** 
           to retry, use: --limit @/Users/rkoberg/site.retry

default                    : ok=44   changed=19   unreachable=0    failed=1   

Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.

Any ideas how to fix? I am attaching a screen grab of my dir structure screen shot 2014-05-11 at 10 58 20 am

I copied the exisiting bedrock-ansible/hosts.example to bedrock-ansible/hosts and did not change anything. Nothing was changed in the site.yml

My bedrock-ansible/group_vars/all looks like:

www_root: /srv/www

# Define your WordPress sites here
  - site_name:
    user: vagrant
    group: www-data
    site_install: true
    site_title: bedrock
    admin_user: admin
    admin_password: admin
    system_cron: true
    run_composer: true
      enabled: false
      wp_env: development
      db_name: bedrock_dev
      db_user: bedrock_dbuser
      db_password: bedrock_dbpassword

My Vagrant file looks like:

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

Vagrant.require_version '>= 1.5.1'

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'roots/bedrock' :private_network, ip: ''
  config.vm.hostname = ''

  # adjust paths relative to Vagrantfile
  config.vm.synced_folder '../', '/srv/www/', owner: 'vagrant', group: 'www-data', mount_options: ['dmode=776', 'fmode=775']

  config.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
    # adjust paths relative to Vagrantfile
    ansible.playbook = './site.yml'
    ansible.groups = {
      'wordpress-server' => ['default']
    ansible.extra_vars = {
      ansible_ssh_user: 'vagrant',
      user: 'vagrant'
    ansible.sudo = true

  if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-cachier')
    config.cache.scope = :box

    config.cache.synced_folder_opts = {
      type: :nfs,
      mount_options: ['rw', 'vers=3', 'tcp', 'nolock']
rkoberg commented 10 years ago

One last thing. I did modify the composer.json from the original roots/bedrock version. Here is my modified version:

  "name": "roots/bedrock",
  "type": "project",
  "license": "MIT",
  "description": "A modern WordPress stack",
  "homepage": "",
  "authors": [
      "name": "Scott Walkinshaw",
      "email": "",
      "homepage": ""
      "name": "Ben Word",
      "email": "",
      "homepage": ""
  "keywords": [
    "wordpress", "stack", "capistrano", "composer", "vagrant", "wp"
  "support": {
    "issues": "",
    "forum": ""
  "config": {
    "preferred-install": "dist",
    "generate-salts": true
  "autoload": {
    "psr-0": {"Bedrock\\Installer": "scripts"}
  "scripts": {
    "post-root-package-install": ["Bedrock\\Installer::addSalts"]
  "repositories": [
      "type": "composer",
      "url": ""
      "type": "composer",
      "url" : ""
      "type": "package",
      "package": {
        "name": "wordpress/wordpress",
        "version": "3.9",
        "type": "webroot",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": ""
        "require" : {
          "fancyguy/webroot-installer": "1.1.0"
      "type": "package",
      "package": {
        "name": "roots/roots-sass",
        "type": "wordpress-theme",
        "version": "6.5.0",
        "dist": {
          "type": "zip",
          "url": ""
  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.2",
    "wordpress/wordpress": "3.9",
    "fancyguy/webroot-installer": "1.1.0",
    "composer/installers": "v1.0.12",
    "vlucas/phpdotenv": "~1.0.6",
    "roots/roots-sass": "6.5.*",
    "wpackagist/advanced-custom-fields": "4.3.*"
  "require-dev": {
    "rarst/laps": "~1.0",
    "wpackagist/a-fresher-cache": "*",
    "wpackagist/core-control": "*",
    "wpackagist/monster-widget": "*",
    "wpackagist/regenerate-thumbnails": "*",
    "wpackagist/debug-bar": "0.8.*",
    "wpackagist/dynamic-hostname": "0.4.*",
    "wpackagist/plugin-check": "*",
    "wpackagist/theme-check": "*"
  "extra": {
    "installer-paths": {
      "web/app/plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"],
      "web/app/mu-plugins/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-muplugin"],
      "web/app/themes/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-theme"]
    "webroot-dir": "web/wp",
    "webroot-package": "wordpress/wordpress"
swalkinshaw commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the compressive troubleshooting! The docs definitely need some work as a lot of people get confused at a few points.

Looks like the issue is that your folder is missing wp-cli.yml. This configs tells WP-CLI where the WP install is (web/wp) and without it, it can't find/detect WordPress.

rkoberg commented 10 years ago

That still was not enough. The only thing that worked for me was to copy over the project to be at the same level as bedrock-ansible. It was not clear from the docs that this should be done, or perhaps it is common knowledge?

I renamed bedrock to And inside of bedrock-ansible, I renamed all occurences of to Then the install completed without error (the TASK: [wordpress-sites | WP installed?] was ignored and TASK: [wordpress-sites | Install WP] completed successfully).

For this to work, you need the roots/bedrock copied over as the stub site (or something very similar).

There is a minor error (having to do with the VM?) when logging in as admin:

Warning: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums. (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.) in /srv/www/ on line 435

I should also say I am new to WP, vagrant, ansible, capistrano. What is setup does seem very similar to a rails project using EngineYard.

swalkinshaw commented 10 years ago

I don't think anything with bedrock-ansible is common knowledge right now unfortunately (mostly because of the lack of docs).

This playbook depends on Bedrock-based sites, so yeah you need a (mostly) complete site based on Bedrock somewhere on your local filesystem. Where that is depends on your Vagrantfile and where it is as well.