rootsdev / roots-search

Search popular genealogy websites
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Localization support #29

Open justincy opened 11 years ago

justincy commented 11 years ago

Support for localization would allow RootsSearch to be used outside the US. There are two pieces to this:

  1. Translation
  2. Relevant genealogy websites

RootsSearch is only in English and only lists websites from the American market. Adding an options page (issue #8) will allow for me to add many more sites and group them by locale so that you can not only choose which language you want, but also which sites you want to use. The groups would be defaults for convenience but you would be able to cherry-pick websites from different groupings.

But two things need to happen first:

  1. Proof of demand
  2. Help in identifying international genealogy websites
Colinsp commented 11 years ago

Certainly for me in the UK I would want UK searches.

Some examples:-

tony51 commented 11 years ago

This would be really useful for UK searches, I concur with the above .uk sites

BarryWalker51 commented 11 years ago

Yep, I agree with Colinsp, it would be really useful to be able to search through UK sites too.

justincy commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the valuable feedback, and thanks for creating accounts to upvote Colin's proposal. I'll work on making this happen, but I expect it to take a bit of work.

Are there any other UK websites that you would add to Colin's list?