ropensci-archive / cleanEHR

:warning: ARCHIVED :warning: Essential tools and utility functions to facilitate the data processing pipeline, data cleaning and data analysing of clinical data from CC-HIC
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 23 forks source link

bug when installing on new machine #124

Closed docsteveharris closed 7 years ago

docsteveharris commented 7 years ago
> library(cleanEHR)
Warning message:
replacing previous import by ‘Rcpp::evalCpp’ when loading ‘cleanEHR’ 
> load("cleanEHR_anon_5_v2.RData")
Loading required package: ccdata
Error in .requirePackage(package) : 
  unable to find required package ‘ccdata’
In addition: Warning message:
In library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE,  :
  there is no package called ‘ccdata’
sinanshi commented 7 years ago

Will have a quick fix and email you the new data.

sinanshi commented 7 years ago

New file dispatched. Let me know if it is OK.