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Generating data "Packages" #2

Open cboettig opened 10 years ago

cboettig commented 10 years ago

@mbjones Hmm, not seeing how to connect the csv file and EML metadata file, etc together as a "Package" through the REST API, as we do with the dataone package. Is this just a matter of defining the appropriate Sys-metadata information? What would an example call look like for this?

mbjones commented 10 years ago

You have to generate an ORE ResourceMap in RDF/XML format that does the linking. This is handled through the dataone DataPackage class. We use the foresite library in Java and Python for serializing the RDF. I'm not sure what we'd use on the R side.

cboettig commented 10 years ago

Ah, that makes sense. Since it sounds like a pretty straight-forward file to generate, I think we could just have a function that generates it somewhat manually using the XML package, as we do for the sysmeta currently (see #3). (Ironically there is an rrdf package that can serialize RDF in a variety of syntax formats, but it depends on rJava. It is more aimed at supporting sparql queries anyhow than merely serializing some RDF.)

Can you point me to an example ORE ResourceMap & documentation?

mbjones commented 10 years ago

Example from a KNB package here:

Documentation here: (although there seems to be a problem with generating our diagrams -- will look into that)