To coordinate on adding codemeta.json files to the remaining package, I thought I would migrate the issue over to here. Below is the set Chris is currently working on. Grace, it might help if you claim a set as well. Eventually we want to work through all the packages listed on our website: (that's the beta version, but includes an automatically generated package list from the roregistry).
Might be easiest to just let you each claim packages from that list here and work through them at your own pace?
Hi Chris, Grace,
To coordinate on adding
files to the remaining package, I thought I would migrate the issue over to here. Below is the set Chris is currently working on. Grace, it might help if you claim a set as well. Eventually we want to work through all the packages listed on our website: (that's the beta version, but includes an automatically generated package list from the roregistry).Might be easiest to just let you each claim packages from that list here and work through them at your own pace?
Chris Fan (@chrisfan24)
Grace Li, (@graceli8)