ropensci-archive / ots

:warning: ARCHIVED :warning: ocean time series datasets
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Package UI #7

Closed sckott closed 10 years ago

sckott commented 10 years ago

@jebyrnes thoughts on the user interface for this?

So far, each function is for a single dataset, though if there are e.g., lots of datasets all within a particular theme, then they might be accessed via parameters in a single function.

Is the output format for data okay? The goal with this output is that even with huge datasets you can glimpse it quickly while still getting a sense for all data there, Bonus is that it's ready to pass to dplyr. e.g.,

res <- bats_zooplankton()
BATS: zooplankton data
Metadata: output$meta
Variables: output$vars

   cruise     date tow lat_deg lat_min lon_deg lon_min time_in time_out duration_min depth_max water_vol sieve_size
1   20066 19940406   1      31   33.89      63   52.45    1558     1626           28        -9   135.501        200
2   20066 19940406   1      31   33.89      63   52.45    1558     1626           28        -9   135.501        500
3   20066 19940406   1      31   33.89      63   52.45    1558     1626           28        -9   135.501       1000
4   20066 19940406   1      31   33.89      63   52.45    1558     1626           28        -9   135.501       2000
5   20066 19940406   1      31   33.89      63   52.45    1558     1626           28        -9   135.501       5000
6   20066 19940406   2      31   33.45      63   52.19    1625     1651           26        -9   227.565        200
7   20066 19940406   2      31   33.45      63   52.19    1625     1651           26        -9   227.565        500
8   20066 19940406   2      31   33.45      63   52.19    1625     1651           26        -9   227.565       1000
9   20066 19940406   2      31   33.45      63   52.19    1625     1651           26        -9   227.565       2000
10  20066 19940406   2      31   33.45      63   52.19    1625     1651           26        -9   227.565       5000
..    ...      ... ...     ...     ...     ...     ...     ...      ...          ...       ...       ...        ...
Variables not shown: weight_wet (dbl), weight_dry (dbl), weight_wet_vol (dbl), dry_wet_vol (dbl), tot_weight_wet_vol
     (dbl), tot_weight_dry_vol (dbl), weight_wet_vol_200 (dbl), weight_dry_vol_200 (dbl), tot_weight_wet_vol_200 (dbl),
     tot_weight_dry_vol_200 (dbl)
res$data %>% 
   select(cruise, date, tow) %>% 
  cruise     date tow
1  20066 19940406   1
2  20066 19940406   1
3  20066 19940406   1
4  20066 19940406   1
5  20066 19940406   1
6  20066 19940406   2 

Are there common data formats folks like to have time series data in that this package could easily convert to?

jebyrnes commented 10 years ago

Indeed- merging and standardizing is always SO messy and requires some knowledge of the dataset itself. I think that should be left to the user (and maybe some convenient merging functions can be added later) (particularly for a similar theme or geospatial coverage). I like your model.

sckott commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the feedback :fish:

sckott commented 10 years ago
