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rows in orcid search: change default? + max #86

Closed jcolomb closed 4 years ago

jcolomb commented 4 years ago


I just took 35 min to understand why my search was not returning all elements, until I finally saw that orcid_search() was based on orcid(), that give only 10 rows output...

It would be good if the default could be 50, and if it would give a message when the result is truncated ("only first x results shown").

By the way, why is the max 200? is it due to the api?

background: I using orcid search to return all researchers that got a special grant (and are therefore part of our consortium), I am then building personal pages from orcid information. 200 should be enough for this case, but would be nice to get over that max.

sckott commented 4 years ago

thanks for the issue. I think 10 is a good default. For first time users, we don't want a big default value as we want data returned quickly so users don't get frustrated immediately. I think pagination through rows and start parameters is well documented, eg.,

I've updated the orcid_search function to include the number of results found, can get it programatically by doing attr(x, "found") if x is the output from orcid_search. And added more docs on the results found and pagination. reinstall to get the change.

the 200 max is due to ORCID, not this pkg, you can use start parameter to offset to get results if there's more than 200