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how to cite software and data #16

Closed sckott closed 1 year ago

sckott commented 3 years ago

how to cite software and data

Who is the audience?

Everyone probably

Why is this important?

Software and data are not well cited

What should be covered?

Suggested speakers or contributors

Resources you would recommend to the audience

stefaniebutland commented 3 years ago

We ought to cover this content as part of other community calls.

jananiravi commented 3 years ago

It would be great to learn of easy & automatic ways to cite all loaded/used packages for a project. Is this the general idea? Give a list of packages ➡️ get the list of citations as a bib file

Bisaloo commented 3 years ago

@jananiravi, here are some resources that you might like:

I think there is another package with the same purpose as grateful but I can't remember the name right now. Maybe someone else will chime in.

stefaniebutland commented 2 years ago

Resource. Almarzouq (2021, March 18). Batool's Blabber: Make Your Computational Analysis Citable. Retrieved from

and Batool's useR! 2021 lightning talk with similar content to that post

yabellini commented 1 year ago

We have material in blog posts about this topic.