ropensci-review-tools / babelquarto

Renders a Multilingual Quarto Project (Book or Website)
40 stars 7 forks source link

feat: allow subtitle translation #61

Closed Nenuial closed 3 months ago

Nenuial commented 3 months ago

I was looking for the reason why my book's subtitle wasn't translated and saw that this was suggested by @truecluster. I don't know to which extent adding such translatable options is desired going forward (considering #54 might at some point become the way to go ?), but in the meantime here's a PR.

This closes #55.

maelle commented 3 months ago

thank you! can you please change your role to "aut" @Nenuial? :wink:

Nenuial commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you talking about the package DESCRIPTION file?

maelle commented 3 months ago

yes! with so many contributions, I think your role should be upgraded to "aut" for author. Sorry about the lack of context!!

Nenuial commented 3 months ago

Oh! I understand now. I had to lookup the difference between ctb and aut. Thanks for the acknowledgement, it's been fun contributing. It's the first package, besides my own, I've contributed to.