ropensci-review-tools / babelquarto

Renders a Multilingual Quarto Project (Book or Website)
40 stars 7 forks source link

Language selector not showing on the navbar #82

Closed elotroalex closed 1 month ago

elotroalex commented 1 month ago

I created a multi lingual site from scracth using the vanilla instructions you have babelquarto::quarto_multilingual_website() and it created all folders and files just fine. When I went to render it on VS code, the resulting site doesn't have the language bar on the navbar. Am I missing something obvious? Is it that I need to render using a different method? I double-checked that languagelinks: navbar is in the right place in the _quarto.yml file.

maelle commented 1 month ago

@elotroalex thank you for your interest in babelquarto! Did you use babelquarto::render_website() to render it? With babelquarto projects one cannot use quarto render unfortunately.

maelle commented 1 month ago

Please re-open if the problem persists. :pray: