ropensci-review-tools / pkgstats

Historical statistics of every R package ever
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Namespace all foreign package function calls #20

Closed mpadge closed 2 years ago

mpadge commented 2 years ago

They're currently not namespaced, preventing ability to map calls between packages

mpadge commented 2 years ago
library (pkgstats)
packageVersion ("pkgstats")
#> [1] ''
u <- ""
path <- file.path (tempdir (),
                   tail (strsplit (u, "\\/") [[1]], 1))
download.file (u, destfile = path)

s <- pkgstats (path)
pkgstats_summary (s)$external_calls
#> [1] "base:654,DBI:3,dplyr:316,generics:22,glue:7,graphics:1,lobstr:3,methods:11,pillar:4,rlang:3,RSQLite:1,stats:5,tidyselect:9,utils:10,vctrs:5"
# Counts of numbers of external calls to different pkgs

# Can be processed to extract further info:
x <- strsplit (pkgstats_summary (s)$external_calls, ",") [[1]]
x <- (rbind, strsplit (x, ":"))
x <- data.frame (pkg = x [, 1],
                 ncalls = as.integer (x [, 2]))
x$ncalls_rel <- round (x$ncalls / sum (x$ncalls), 3)
x <- x [order (x$ncalls, decreasing = TRUE), ]
rownames (x) <- NULL
print (x)
#>           pkg ncalls ncalls_rel
#> 1        base    654      0.620
#> 2       dplyr    316      0.300
#> 3    generics     22      0.021
#> 4     methods     11      0.010
#> 5       utils     10      0.009
#> 6  tidyselect      9      0.009
#> 7        glue      7      0.007
#> 8       stats      5      0.005
#> 9       vctrs      5      0.005
#> 10     pillar      4      0.004
#> 11        DBI      3      0.003
#> 12     lobstr      3      0.003
#> 13      rlang      3      0.003
#> 14   graphics      1      0.001
#> 15    RSQLite      1      0.001

Created on 2021-09-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.0.9000)

mpadge commented 2 years ago

Re-opened to also add number of unique functions from each package to summary output

mpadge commented 2 years ago
library (pkgstats)
packageVersion ("pkgstats")
#> [1] ''
u <- ""
path <- file.path (tempdir (), tail (strsplit (u, "\\/") [[1]], 1))
download.file (u, destfile = path)

s <- pkgstats (path)
x <- strsplit (pkgstats_summary (s)$external_calls, ",") [[1]]
x <- (rbind, strsplit (x, ":"))
x <- data.frame (pkg = x [, 1],
                 n_total = as.integer (x [, 2]),
                 n_unique = as.integer (x [, 3]))
x$n_total_rel <- round (x$n_total / sum (x$n_total), 3)
x$n_unique_rel <- round (x$n_unique / sum (x$n_unique), 3)
x <- x [order (x$n_total, decreasing = TRUE), ]
rownames (x) <- NULL
print (x)
#>           pkg n_total n_unique n_total_rel n_unique_rel
#> 1        base     654      107       0.620        0.446
#> 2       dplyr     316      108       0.300        0.450
#> 3    generics      22        1       0.021        0.004
#> 4     methods      11        3       0.010        0.013
#> 5       utils      10        3       0.009        0.013
#> 6  tidyselect       9        3       0.009        0.013
#> 7        glue       7        1       0.007        0.004
#> 8       stats       5        5       0.005        0.021
#> 9       vctrs       5        1       0.005        0.004
#> 10     pillar       4        1       0.004        0.004
#> 11        DBI       3        1       0.003        0.004
#> 12     lobstr       3        2       0.003        0.008
#> 13      rlang       3        2       0.003        0.008
#> 14   graphics       1        1       0.001        0.004
#> 15    RSQLite       1        1       0.001        0.004

Created on 2021-09-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1.9000)

mpadge commented 2 years ago

Re-opened because the extraction of calls is too crude, and needs to be improved. Next commit will implement that.