ropensci-review-tools / pkgstats

Historical statistics of every R package ever
17 stars 1 forks source link

Failure in windows paths #27

Closed mpadge closed 3 years ago

mpadge commented 3 years ago

Fails when checking example of gnm by @hturner, because it can't find repo clone in local temp directory.

mpadge commented 3 years ago

@hturner Thanks for the helpful example - everything should work now, even without a GitHub token. pkgstats should update and install fine via the r-universe repo, but pkgcheck might need to be installed directly from GitHub with remotes::install_github("ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck"). Hopefully that gets it all working for you!

And on a separate topic: Any chance you might consider preparing gnm for submission for stats peer review? It'd be great if you were willing!