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add tree-sitter tag parser for #4 #62

Open mpadge opened 2 months ago

mpadge commented 2 months ago

This is not intended to be merged just yet, because walking the tree from R is currently too slow. It's a proof-of-principle until some of the C functions from {treesitter} and {treesitter.r} can be exposed.

mpadge commented 2 months ago

Using same test repo from #61

path <- "/<local>/<path>/<to>/teal"

t0 <- system.time (
    tags_ctags <- withr::with_dir (path, pkgstats:::get_ctags ("R", has_tabs = FALSE))
t1 <- system.time (
    tags_tree_sitter <- pkgstats:::get_treesitter_tags (path)
t2 <- system.time (
    tags_checkglobals <- (checkglobals::check_pkg(path))

Then the output:

message (
    "times (ctags; ts; checkglobals) = (", 
    round (t0 [3], digits = 2),
    "; ", 
    round (t1 [3], digits = 2),
    "; ", 
    round (t2 [3], digits = 2),
    "); ratios to ctags = ", 
    round (t1 [3] / t0 [3], digits = 1),
    "; ", 
    round (t2 [3] / t0 [3], digits = 1)
#> times (ctags; ts; checkglobals) = (0.12; 1.24; 0.1); ratios to ctags = 10; 0.8

And numbers of tagged function calls:

message (
    "numbers of tags (ctags; ts; checkglobals) = (", 
    format (nrow (tags_ctags), big.mark = ","),
    "; ", 
    format (nrow (tags_tree_sitter), big.mark = ","),
    "; ", 
    format (nrow (tags_checkglobals), big.mark = ","),
#> numbers of tags (ctags; ts; checkglobals) = (890; 2,214; 170)

Created on 2024-09-13 with reprex v2.1.1

codecov[bot] commented 2 months ago

Codecov Report

Attention: Patch coverage is 95.60440% with 4 lines in your changes missing coverage. Please review.

Project coverage is 73.06%. Comparing base (3cbf7f1) to head (d7bf168).

Files with missing lines Patch % Lines
R/external-calls.R 81.81% 4 Missing :warning:
Additional details and impacted files ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## main #62 +/- ## ========================================== - Coverage 75.05% 73.06% -2.00% ========================================== Files 27 28 +1 Lines 3536 3620 +84 ========================================== - Hits 2654 2645 -9 - Misses 882 975 +93 ```

:umbrella: View full report in Codecov by Sentry.
:loudspeaker: Have feedback on the report? Share it here.

mpadge commented 2 months ago

Comparison of identified external calls between ctags and tree-sitter:

compare_external_calls <- function (path) {
    has_tabs <- FALSE
    pkg_name <- basename (path)

    tags_r <- withr::with_dir (path, get_ctags ("R", has_tabs))
    ex_r <- pkgstats:::external_call_network (tags_r, path, pkg_name)

    tags_r <- get_treesitter_tags (path)
    ex_t <- pkgstats:::external_call_network (tags_r, path, pkg_name)

    n <- c (
        nrow (ex_r),
        nrow (ex_t),
        length (which (!ex_r$package == "base")),
        length (which (!ex_t$package == "base"))
    res <- data.frame (
        tag_src = c ("ctags", "treesit", "ctags_no_base", "treesit_no_base"),
        n = format (n, big.mark = ",")
    rel_diff_all <- round (100 * (n [2] / n [1] - 1))
    rel_diff_no_base <- round (100 * (n [4] / n [3] - 1))
    cli::cli_alert_info ("tree-sitter detects {rel_diff_all}% more tags in total, and {rel_diff_no_base}% of non-base calls")

Then results from a few packages:

compare_external_calls ("/<local>/<path>/<to>/teal")
#> ℹ tree-sitter detects 59% more tags in total, and 16% of non-base calls
#>           tag_src     n
#> 1           ctags 1,091
#> 2         treesit 1,737
#> 3   ctags_no_base   495
#> 4 treesit_no_base   574
compare_external_calls ("/<local>/<path>/<to>/dodgr")
#> ℹ tree-sitter detects 118% more tags in total, and 27% of non-base calls
#>           tag_src     n
#> 1           ctags 1,271
#> 2         treesit 2,776
#> 3   ctags_no_base   522
#> 4 treesit_no_base   665
compare_external_calls ("/<local>/<path>/<to>/pkgstats")
#> ℹ tree-sitter detects 158% more tags in total, and 25% of non-base calls
#>           tag_src     n
#> 1           ctags 1,030
#> 2         treesit 2,657
#> 3   ctags_no_base   302
#> 4 treesit_no_base   377

Created on 2024-09-13 with reprex v2.1.1

So there's quite a big difference in identified calls to base R functions, but beyond that differences are generally only around 20%, which may well be tolerable...? The tree-sitter analyses really are enormously more complicated, and currently much slower, so at least in this pure-R form, likely not really worth implementing here for the moment.

DavisVaughan commented 2 months ago

FWIW I think if you can figure out how to make one or more tree-sitter queries that grab all the information you want, then you'd be pretty happy. It's pretty darn fast that way (not manually walking the tree at the R level).

Most of the remaining time is reading the files with brio which is unavoidable, and the vapply()s to extract out the info you care about.

(Note this doesn't return everything you seem to care about, but its kinda close from what i can tell)

(For some reason the query() function is quite expensive so its best to do it once up front)


language <- treesitter.r::language()

      lhs: (identifier) @name
      operator: "<-"
      rhs: (function_definition) @fn

    function: [
      (identifier) @name
      (namespace_operator) @name
QUERY_CALLS <- query(language, QUERY_CALLS)

get_calls_in_functions <- function(node) {
  functions <- query_captures(QUERY_FUNCTIONS, node)
  names <- functions$node[functions$name == "name"]
  bodies <- functions$node[functions$name == "fn"]

    fn = vapply(names, node_text, character(1)),
    info = lapply(bodies, get_calls)

get_calls <- function(node) {
  captures <- query_captures(QUERY_CALLS, node)
  name <- vapply(captures$node, function(node) node_text(node), character(1))
  start <- vapply(captures$node, function(node) point_row(node_start_point(node)), double(1))
  end <- vapply(captures$node, function(node) point_row(node_end_point(node)), double(1))

    name = name,
    start = start,
    end = end

get_calls_in_package <- function(path) {
  path_r <- file.path(path, "R")
  paths <- fs::dir_ls(path_r)
  paths <- as.character(paths)

  parser <- parser(treesitter.r::language())

  out <- vector("list", length = length(paths))

  for (i in seq_along(out)) {
    path <- paths[[i]]
    text <- brio::read_file(path)
    tree <- parser_parse(parser, text)
    node <- tree_root_node(tree) 
    elt <- get_calls_in_functions(node)
    elt[["file"]] <- as.character(path)
    out[[i]] <- elt

  out <- vctrs::list_unchop(out)
  out <- tidyr::unnest(out, info)

path <- "~/files/r/playground/packages/teal"

  check = FALSE
#> Warning: Some expressions had a GC in every iteration; so filtering is
#> disabled.
#> # A tibble: 2 × 6
#>   expression                            min  median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec`
#>   <bch:expr>                        <bch:t> <bch:t>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl>
#> 1 get_calls_in_package(path)         44.1ms  46.8ms     21.0     10.2MB     28.7
#> 2 pkgstats:::get_treesitter_tags(p… 582.1ms 582.1ms      1.72    11.5MB     41.2

Created on 2024-09-18 with reprex v2.0.2

mpadge commented 2 months ago

Thanks so much @DavisVaughan, that's a brilliant solution! I'll definitely implement a version of that then.

Just keep in mind that this whole system currently tags everything with ctags compiled with all languages, so just cruises across language barriers without a glitch, enabling object-reference networks like this (may take time to load; and is auto-generated as part of our software review process, in that case from this review). And that is my primary motivation for, so let me know if I can help there in any way.