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Number of stds complied with is wrong #24

Closed mpadge closed 2 years ago

mpadge commented 2 years ago

In addition to #23, the bssm submission of @helske also reports that 92 standards have been complied with:

:heavy_check_mark: All applicable standards [v0.1.0.007] have been documented in this package (92 complied with; 32 N/A standards)

Butt the report itself gives 181. Fix!

mpadge commented 2 years ago

Sorry again @helske, the number of the linked HTML report simply neglected to include a unique() call, so included all repeated standards. Fixed now, and I'll update the linked HTML report accordingly.

mpadge commented 2 years ago

Reports updated. Only remaining glitch is that they report a total of 124 standards, when it should be 123. That's because of #25, the implementation of which means this will remain a one-off. Thanks @helske as always for helping so much to improve our systems!