ropensci-review-tools / srr

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Fix parsing vignettes with yaml front matter #38

Closed mpadge closed 3 months ago

mpadge commented 3 months ago

The missing srr standards recently reported in are because of this:

> f <- "<path>/<to>/eDNAjoint/vignettes/eDNAjoint.Rmd"
> pkg_env <- as.environment ("package:eDNAjoint")
> roxygen2::parse_file (f, pkg_env)
Errorr in parse(text = lines, keep.source = TRUE, srcfile = srcfilecopy(path,  :
  /home/.cache/R/pkgcheck/eDNAjoint/vignettes/eDNAjoint.Rmd:8:20: unexpected '['
  7:     toc_depth: 3
  8:     md_extensions: [

But that's just standard yaml front-matter. The real issue is trying to apply roxygen::parse_file() to vignettes with "unexpected" yaml structures.

@abigailkeller Pinging you here so you'll be notified when this is fixed. Sorry for inconvenience.