ropensci-review-tools / srr

Software Review Roclets
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Remove `roxygen::roxygenise` calls completely #39

Closed mpadge closed 3 months ago

mpadge commented 3 months ago

Those were initially in this package to ensure that all docs were updated prior to generating the report. Those are, however, now the only part that requires actually loading the package. This is an issue in pre-submission enquiries which require srr checks, for which loading the package can take an hour or more. Removing the single roxygenise call here:

will enable the full report to be generated without having to load the package at all, reducing time for check srr calls from potentially hours to a few seconds. That seems like a very worthy improvement.

Plan will be to expose an additional parameter, roxygenise = TRUE, and call it from roreviewapi with explicit FALSE value.