ropensci / CoordinateCleaner

Automated flagging of common spatial and temporal errors in biological and palaeontological collection data, for the use in conservation, ecology and palaeontology.
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Issue with geographic outliers #12

Closed Adrien-Noirault closed 5 years ago

Adrien-Noirault commented 5 years ago

Hi !

I have a problem running cc_outl, it send me an error: Testing geographic outliers Flagged NA records.

When I run it with clean_coordinates, it send me another error but always for geographic outliers: Error in $<*tmp*, "otl", value = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, : replacement has 7583 rows, data has 7153

I give you my code and the species I used:

Abeliophyllum distichum (data from GBIF, ALA4R and BIEN are used) occreduced Abeliophyllum distichum .xlsx

TEST3=clean_coordinates(TEST2, lon = "Longitude", lat = "Latitude", species = "Species_TNRS", countries = NULL, tests = c("capitals","centroids", "equal", "gbif", "institutions", "outliers", "seas","zeros"), capitals_rad = 10000, centroids_rad = 1000, centroids_detail = "both", inst_rad = 100, outliers_method = "quantile", outliers_mtp = 5, outliers_td = 1000, outliers_size = 7, range_rad = 0, zeros_rad = 0.5, capitals_ref = NULL, centroids_ref = NULL, country_ref = NULL, inst_ref = NULL, range_ref = NULL, seas_ref = NULL, seas_scale = 50, urban_ref = NULL, value = "clean", verbose = TRUE)


TEST10=cc_outl(TEST9, lon = "Longitude", lat = "Latitude", species = "Species_TNRS", value = "flagged", min_occs = 7)

It would be greatful if you could help me solving this problem. Thanks a lot for your answer and for the package itself !

azizka commented 5 years ago


I couldn't reproduce your error, but when loading your example, there was a problem with non-numeric and missing coordinates. The following works for me using the latest version of CoordinateCleaner, dat being your example data:

dat$Longitude <- as.numeric(dat$Longitude)
dat$Latitude <- as.numeric(dat$Latitude)

dat <-  dat[!$Longitude),]

cc_outl(x = dat, species = "Species_TNRS",
        lon = "Longitude", lat = "Latitude",
        value = "flagged", min_occs = 7)

Does that help?

azizka commented 5 years ago

I'll close this issue now