ropensci / CoordinateCleaner

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adding area_sqkm to countryref.rda #14

Closed jhnwllr closed 5 years ago

jhnwllr commented 5 years ago

Updating countryref.rda with area_sqkm.

This is motivated by the fact that small countries or provinces might be completely covered by their centroid and users might want to remove very small provinces because the resolution of their analysis does not require small areas to be removed.


Used sf::st_area to get areas from the polygons.

countries_sf = read_sf(dsn="/ne_10m_admin_0_countries", layer="ne_10m_admin_0_countries")

provinces_sf = read_sf(dsn="/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces", layer="ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces")


For some iso3 and adm1_code codes a area_sqkm could not be calculated.

Countries without area_sqkm

  1. ALA
  2. ANT
  3. BES
  4. BVT
  5. CCK
  6. CXR
  7. ESH
  8. GLP
  9. GUF
  10. MTQ
  11. MYT
  12. PNG
  13. PRT
  14. PSE
  15. REU
  16. SJM
  17. SSD
  18. TKL

Provinces without area_sqkm

  1. ALD-3137
  2. ALD-4811
  3. ALD-4813
  4. ALD-4815
  5. ALD-4816
  6. ATA+00
  7. ATA+99
  8. ATC+00
  9. AUS+00
  10. BHS-5013
  11. BHS-5040
  12. BJN-5486
  13. BLZ+99
  14. BVT+00
  15. CAN+99
  16. CLP+00
  17. COL+99
  18. CSI+00
  19. CUB+99
  20. CYM+00
  21. CYN+00
  22. DJI+99
  23. EGY+99
  24. ERI+99
  25. ESP+99
  26. EST+99
  27. FJI+99
  28. GAZ+00
  29. GGY+00
  30. GGY+99
  31. GIB+00
  32. GUM+00
  33. HMD+00
  34. HRV+99
  35. IDN+99
  36. IMN+00
  37. IND+99
  38. IOT+00
  39. IRL+99
  40. IRN+99
  41. JEY+00
  42. JPN+99
  43. KAB+00
  44. KAS+00
  45. KAZ+99
  46. KIR+00
  47. KIR+99
  48. KOR+99
  49. MAC+00
  50. MCO+00
  51. MEX+99
  52. MMR+99
  53. MRT+99
  54. MUS-5182
  55. MYS+99
  56. NCL+99
  57. NFK+00
  58. NLD+99
  59. NOR+99
  60. NUL+99
  61. NZL-5473
  62. PCN+00
  63. PFA+00
  64. PGA+00
  65. PHL-4933
  66. PHL+99
  67. PNG+99
  68. PRK+99
  69. RUS+99
  70. SAH+00
  71. SAU+99
  72. SCR+00
  73. SER-5485
  74. SGS+00
  75. SLB+99
  76. SOL+00
  77. SOL+99
  78. SWE+99
  79. THA+99
  80. TUN+99
  81. TUR+99
  82. TUV+00
  83. TUV+99
  84. TWN-5128
  85. UKR-283
  86. UKR-5482
  87. UMI-5175
  88. USG+00
  89. VAT+00
  90. VEN+99
  91. VGB+00
  92. VNM+99
  93. WEB+00
  94. YEM+99