ropensci / MODIStsp

An "R" package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time Series
GNU General Public License v3.0
155 stars 51 forks source link

How to process modis hdf files already available on disk using MODIStsp #142

Closed hgbzzw closed 5 years ago

hgbzzw commented 6 years ago

Hi, I need to download MCD18A1 radiation data from May to Nov. in 2011. However, MCD18A1 data can only be downloaded before 2009 in the I found the MCD18A1 data in 2011 can be download in the Thus, I want to know how to process MODIS HDF files already available on disk using MODIStsp. Thanks a lot!

lbusett commented 6 years ago


you can find some instructions for offline processing at:

Let us know if you have problems!

hgbzzw commented 6 years ago

I placed all the HDF files (h23-27, V04-06, 15files) in 'G:\VIP\GWR\MCD18A1\HDF',like this

files then set the parameters in MODIStsp GUI like this image then start processing. no results in my folder. image R control shows that image

Thanks a lot!

hgbzzw commented 6 years ago

It didn't do the mosaicing and reprojecting work. I do not know why?

lbusett commented 6 years ago

could you try changing the start / end dates to 2011-01-01 and 2011-12-31 ?

hgbzzw commented 6 years ago

I changed the start/end dates to 2011-01-01 and 2011-12-31, it also didn't work.

lbusett commented 6 years ago

Sorry it did not work. Was just a wild guess. I'll look into this more in detail, but considee that i will be on holiday for the next couple of week, so it will take some time.

hgbzzw commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot! waiting for you.

webb-e commented 5 years ago

Was this ever resolved? I am experiencing the same problem.

MODIStsp() GDAL version in use: 2.2.3

(rsession.exe:12596): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 87: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:12596): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 87: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:12596): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 91: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:12596): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 91: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span' [Tue Feb 19 08:25:25 2019] MODIStsp --> Starting processing [Tue Feb 19 08:26:29 2019] Accessing http server at: [Tue Feb 19 08:26:29 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2000 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:29 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2001 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:29 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2002 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2003 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2004 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2005 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2006 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2007 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:30 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2008 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2009 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2010 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2011 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2012 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2013 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:31 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2014 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2015 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2016 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2017 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Retrieving list of available Combined Files for Year 2018 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Creating Virtual Files and R time series for layer Burn_Date [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Total Processing Time: 1.12606896559397 [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] MODIStsp processed files are in: D:\MODIS_burns [Tue Feb 19 08:26:32 2019] Original downloaded MODIS HDF files are in: D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF


lbusett commented 5 years ago


completely forgot about this...sorry @hgbzzw 

@webb-e so, you have some HDFs in D:/MODIS_burns_originalHDF and you want to run the processing offline, is that correct? What exactly happens when you try?


webb-e commented 5 years ago

That is correct. MODIStsp creates a folder called "Burned_Monthly_500m_v6" in the folder where I asked it to save the processed tiff files, but the folder is empty. The R output is above.

I should note that the program only runs for a few seconds before ending, so I don't think it starts processing anything.

lbusett commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that's probable. May I ask you to save your options to JSON (using the save options button in the GUI) , open the JSON file in a text editor and cut and paste it here ? That way, I can more easily replicate your analysis.

webb-e commented 5 years ago

{ "sel_prod": "Burned_Monthly_500m (MCD64A1)", "sensor": "Combined", "prod_version": "6", "start_date": "2000-11-01", "end_date": "2018-12-31", "bandsel": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], "indexes_bandsel": 0, "quality_bandsel": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "start_x": 4, "end_x": 26, "start_y": 1, "end_y": 3, "user": "##### "password": ##### "use_aria": false, "download_server": "offline", "download_range": "full", "proj": "Native", "output_proj4": "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs", "out_res_sel": "Native", "out_res": "Native", "full_ext": "Select MODIS Tiles", "resampling": "near", "out_format": "GTiff", "ts_format": "R rasterStack", "compress": "None", "nodata_change": "No", "scale_val": "No", "delete_hdf": "No", "reprocess": "No", "bbox": ["NA", "NA", "NA", "NA"], "out_folder": "D:\MODIS_burns", "out_folder_mod": "D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF", "MODIStspVersion": "1.3.7", "custom_indexes": [] }

lbusett commented 5 years ago


sorry for the hiatus. This should be now fixed on the "devel" branch. Could you test it?


webb-e commented 5 years ago

Hmm. So, this worked for the files in 2001 and 2002, but not for any of the other files. Here is a warning I got:

50: In system(cmd, intern = TRUE) : running command '"C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpY9l5IB/mstp_temp\file1f5c7bfe4.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2004_336.tif"' had status 1

(but those warnings might be because there were no burns at that date? the file exists though) Looking back, it looks like I also got this warning:

Input file size is 50400, 48000...10...20...30...40...ERROR 4: HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF/MCD64A1.A2017121.h21v03.006.2017192063953.hdf":MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA:Burn Date' does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name.

| >

lbusett commented 5 years ago

That's strange. I tested it on 2010 data and it worked. Maybe you have some corrupted / incomplete HDF. Could you:

1) check if file "D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF/MCD64A1.A2017121.h21v03.006.2017192063953.hdf" exists?

2) open a terminal and run:

"C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdalinfo.exe" "D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF/MCD64A1.A2017121.h21v03.006.2017192063953.hdf"

(It's a single command - no carriage return)

webb-e commented 5 years ago

I tried it on only 2010 data with no luck. Here is the output for my entire session

> library(MODIStsp)
> MODIStsp()
Loading required package: gWidgetsRGtk2
Loading required package: RGtk2
Loading required package: gWidgets
Loading required package: cairoDevice
[Thu Mar 07 06:23:42 2019] Welcome to MODIStsp!We will now search for a valid GDAL installation - pleasewait! (this will happen only once)
GDAL version in use: 2.3.2

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 82: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 82: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 87: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 87: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 83: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 83: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 85: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'

(rsession.exe:9144): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1 char 85: Element 'markup' was closed, but the currently open element is 'span'
[Thu Mar 07 06:27:27 2019] MODIStsp --> Starting processing
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:32 2019] Accessing http server at:
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:32 2019] Retrieving list of available ` Combined ` Files for Year 2010
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h09v02.006.2017012031115.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h10v02.006.2017012034002.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h11v02.006.2017012044442.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h12v02.006.2017012060858.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h13v02.006.2017012060854.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h14v02.006.2017012035142.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h15v02.006.2017012035934.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h16v02.006.2017012035108.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h17v02.006.2017012042700.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h18v02.006.2017012052517.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h19v02.006.2017012052506.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h20v02.006.2017012042936.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h21v02.006.2017012034303.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:33 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h22v02.006.2017012042527.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h23v02.006.2017012035613.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h24v02.006.2017012060509.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h25v02.006.2017012040140.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h26v02.006.2017012035017.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h06v03.006.2017012031138.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h07v03.006.2017012031138.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h08v03.006.2017012034549.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h09v03.006.2017012031116.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h10v03.006.2017012034007.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h11v03.006.2017012041935.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h12v03.006.2017012043006.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h13v03.006.2017012040601.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h14v03.006.2017012072356.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h15v03.006.2017012034514.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:34 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h17v03.006.2017012052211.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h18v03.006.2017012035541.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h19v03.006.2017012053141.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h20v03.006.2017012042936.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h21v03.006.2017012055030.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h22v03.006.2017012034242.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h23v03.006.2017012041922.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h24v03.006.2017012051758.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h25v03.006.2017012060259.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010305.h26v03.006.2017012060253.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] [Thu Mar 07 06:28:35 2019] 38 files for date: 2010.11.01 were successfully downloaded!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:38 2019] Processing Terra Burn_Date files for date: 2010_11_01
Checking gdal_installation...
Scanning for GDAL installations...
Checking the gdalUtils_gdalPath option...
GDAL version 2.3.2
GDAL command being used: "C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS8dn05/mstp_temp\file23b84b6d2c26.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2010_305.tif"
Input file size is 50400, 48000...10...20...30...40...ERROR 4: `HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF/MCD64A1.A2010305.h21v03.006.2017012055030.hdf":MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA:Burn Date' does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name.
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:52 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h09v02.006.2017012034459.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:52 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h10v02.006.2017012055026.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h11v02.006.2017012053012.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h12v02.006.2017012034241.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h13v02.006.2017012060749.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h14v02.006.2017012041934.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h15v02.006.2017012053453.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h16v02.006.2017012062803.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h17v02.006.2017012065541.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h18v02.006.2017012055655.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h19v02.006.2017012050811.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h20v02.006.2017012050707.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h21v02.006.2017012063858.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h22v02.006.2017012080331.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h23v02.006.2017012065014.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:53 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h24v02.006.2017012053202.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h25v02.006.2017012034548.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h26v02.006.2017012050150.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h06v03.006.2017012041703.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h07v03.006.2017012041704.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h08v03.006.2017012055021.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h09v03.006.2017012044940.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h10v03.006.2017012061329.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h11v03.006.2017012051703.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h12v03.006.2017012041058.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h13v03.006.2017012052319.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h14v03.006.2017012050905.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h15v03.006.2017012052444.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h17v03.006.2017012054531.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h18v03.006.2017012055654.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h19v03.006.2017012050809.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:54 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h20v03.006.2017012050704.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h21v03.006.2017012050706.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h22v03.006.2017012054801.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h23v03.006.2017012065009.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h24v03.006.2017012062220.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h25v03.006.2017012034551.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] HDF File: MCD64A1.A2010335.h26v03.006.2017012044436.hdf already exists on your system. Skipping download!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] [Thu Mar 07 06:28:55 2019] 38 files for date: 2010.12.01 were successfully downloaded!
[Thu Mar 07 06:28:58 2019] Processing Terra Burn_Date files for date: 2010_12_01
Checking gdal_installation...
Scanning for GDAL installations...
Checking the gdalUtils_gdalPath option...
GDAL version 2.3.2
GDAL command being used: "C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS8dn05/mstp_temp\file23b84db15e1.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2010_335.tif"
Input file size is 50400, 48000...10...20...30...40...ERROR 4: `HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:"D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF/MCD64A1.A2010335.h21v03.006.2017012050706.hdf":MOD_Grid_Monthly_500m_DB_BA:Burn Date' does not exist in the file system, and is not recognized as a supported dataset name.
[Thu Mar 07 06:29:11 2019] Creating Virtual Files and R time series for layer Burn_Date
[Thu Mar 07 06:29:11 2019] Total Processing Time: 1.7282917658488
[Thu Mar 07 06:29:11 2019] MODIStsp processed files are in: `D:\MODIS_burns`
[Thu Mar 07 06:29:11 2019] Original downloaded MODIS HDF files are in: `D:\MODIS_burns_originalHDF`
Warning messages:
1: package ‘gWidgetsRGtk2’ was built under R version 3.5.2 
2: package ‘RGtk2’ was built under R version 3.5.2 
3: package ‘gWidgets’ was built under R version 3.5.2 
4: package ‘cairoDevice’ was built under R version 3.5.2 
5: In system(cmd, intern = TRUE) :
  running command '"C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS8dn05/mstp_temp\file23b84b6d2c26.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2010_305.tif"' had status 1
6: In system(cmd, intern = TRUE) :
  running command '"C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS8dn05/mstp_temp\file23b84db15e1.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2010_335.tif"' had status 1

I checked a couple of the hdf files in the way you suggested and the console printed out their metatdata (so this means they are not corrupt?)

webb-e commented 5 years ago

Also, I just ran the data just for 2001-2003 and it did not work. I suspect last time I had some old files in the folder, so in fact when I ran the program yesterday it did not work for any years (based on their file creation date, the 2001-2003 files do not look like they were processed yesterday when I rant the program)

lbusett commented 5 years ago

I wonder if this could be something similar to #114.... On Windows, there seems to be a "limit" to how many tiles we are able to "stitch together". To verify this, could you to :

1) start again the processing, and after it crashes open a terminal and run the command that is giving the error? In practice, it should be something similar to:

"C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\gdal_translate.exe" -a_nodata "-1" -ot "Int16" -of "GTiff" -a_srs "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs" -co "COMPRESS=None" "C:\Users\webbe\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpS8dn05/mstp_temp\file23b84b6d2c26.vrt" "D:\MODIS_burns/Burned_Monthly_500m_v6/Burn_Date/MCD64A1_Burn_Date_2010_305.tif"

but with a different name for the vrt file.

2) Try the same processing, but on a smaller "extent" . For example, you could change the "start_x" and "end_x" lines of the json options file to :

"start_x": 20, "end_x": 26,

webb-e commented 5 years ago


(I used the same vrt file as earlier since I had not closed my R session. I also searched for mstp_temp in all of the C: drive and didn't find anything) image

I tried a smaller extent and it does appear to have worked (there are output files but I have not checked them yet). I used this: "start_x": 4, "end_x": 10, "start_y": 1, "end_y": 3,

However, I will note that earlier I directly downloaded the data and MODIStsp processed the large extent. Actually, it did crash when I used: "start_x": 4, "end_x": 27, "start_y": 1, "end_y": 3,

I'm not sure why, but when I changed the extent to x:26 instead of x:27, it worked. The plan was just to add that last tile in after the fact.

The reason that I don't have the processed data from the first download is because when I went to download that last tile (h27, v3), it replaced all of my previously processed files. I'm new to this and didn't know that was going to happen, so now I am just trying to process the files that I originally downloaded. However, it seems like the fastest option might be to just re-download them, since processing worked that way.

lbusett commented 5 years ago

Ok. Then I'd suggest you to try to process 4/26 1/3 using "http" download option. Consider that even in that case, you will not need to re-download the HDFs if you do not change the HDF output folder. MODIstsp will just check to verify if you already have all the HDFs for the specified spatial/temporal selection.

If it works, good. otherwise, I suggest you to try to do two separate processings (e.g, 4-->12 and 13-->26), (with different output folders) and see if by reducing the number of tiles you can avoid the problem. If it works, you can then merge the results afterward.

webb-e commented 5 years ago

@lbusett I ended up dividing the processing into two parts (4/26 1/2 and 4/27 3) and am now stitching them together. So you are right, this is related to issue 114. Glad I found a workaround. Thank you for your help with this!

lbusett commented 5 years ago

Closing here. Keeping open in #114