ropensci / MODIStsp

An "R" package for automatic download and preprocessing of MODIS Land Products Time Series
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MCD18A2 download issue. #198

Closed supernitt closed 4 years ago

supernitt commented 4 years ago

Hi, I try to download the MCD18A2 (3-hour total PAR). The later 2018 data was available. However, previous date revealed unavailable data lists.

What is the issue? How can I fix it?

Thank you Nitt

lbusett commented 4 years ago


sorry, I do not understand the issue. Can you be a bit more specific about the problem? could you maybe share your processing options?

supernitt commented 4 years ago

Dear @lbusett ,

Thank you for your response, and sorry for unclear question. I would like to download the 3-hour total PAR from MCD18A2 product. Then, I have a problem that the product before 2018 cannot be downloaded. I also attached images below showing the issue.

The product that I try to download. Data of 2018 and later is available.


But, when I set the date before 2018, it shows like the image below.


Is there any way to fix it?

Thank you very much, Nitt

lbusett commented 4 years ago


sorry for the late answer. could you please save your processing options from the GUI, open the resulting JSON file and attach here its contents?


lbusett commented 4 years ago


sorry for the late answer. could you please save your processing options from the GUI, open the resulting JSON file and attach here its contents?


supernitt commented 4 years ago

Dear @lbusett, Thanks for your response. Here is my content from JSON file.

{ "sel_prod": "Dwnwrd_PAR_3h_005dg (MCD18A2)", "sensor": "Combined", "prod_version": "6", "start_date": "2010-01-01", "end_date": "2017-12-31", "bandsel": [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], "indexes_bandsel": 0, "quality_bandsel": 0, "start_x": 27, "end_x": 28, "start_y": 7, "end_y": 8, "user": "Name", "password": "Pass", "use_aria": false, "download_server": "http", "download_range": "full", "proj": "User Defined", "output_proj4": "+init=epsg:32648 +proj=utm +zone=48 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0", "out_res_sel": "Resampled", "out_res": "1000", "full_ext": "Select MODIS Tiles", "resampling": "near", "out_format": "GTiff", "ts_format": "R rasterStack", "compress": "None", "nodata_change": "No", "scale_val": "No", "delete_hdf": "Yes", "reprocess": "No", "bbox": ["NA", "NA", "NA", "NA"], "out_folder": "D:\Work\CMARE\BVOCprj\DATA\MODIS", "out_folder_mod": "D:\Work\CMARE\BVOCprj\DATA\MODIS", "MODIStspVersion": "", "custom_indexes": [] }

Thanks, Nitt

lbusett commented 4 years ago


sorry for the late answer. According to here:

MCD18A2 data are available only for the 2000-2008 period (in beta state), and from 2018 onwards, so ther is unfortunately nothing we can do about this.


supernitt commented 4 years ago

