ropensci / allodb

An R package for biomass estimation at extratropical forest plots.
GNU General Public License v3.0
36 stars 11 forks source link

Initialize review #119

Closed maurolepore closed 3 years ago

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

This PR aims to do a first pass through the reviewers's template of rOpenSci. It should be a good guide to bring this package to the standards our peer-reviewers asked for.

Based on


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

x README now seems quite bare bones. The paper should have this already. Can you please add it here too?

x See ?usethis::use_article()

At first glance, the documentation seems okay.

x I tried only one example I it failed. Please review all examples. R CMD check should inform what's broken.


  genus = scbi_stem1$genus,
  species = scbi_stem1$species,
  coords = c(-78.2, 38.9)
#> Error in data.table(weights, equation_id = names(weights)): could not find function "data.table"

Created on 2020-12-13 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)



x I fail to install:

#> Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
#> Downloading GitHub repo forestgeo/allodb@HEAD
#> Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet,  : 
#>   download from '' failed

Not reviewed now.

Not reviewed now.

x The tests/ directory seems to have non-standard tests (usually with the testthat package) and the standard test files don't seem to cover all functions. devtools::test() throws:

Maximum number of failures exceeded; quitting early.
You can increase this number by setting `options(testthat.progress.max_fails)` 


maurolepore commented 3 years ago

@cpiponiot, here is my first pass through the package. The template I used has a few more details but this seems enought for now.

Please let me know if you need help with any of these issues. A good reference is (or its first edition).

cpiponiot commented 3 years ago

@maurolepore Thanks a lot for the review, I'll work on the package and will come back to you if I have any questions.

cpiponiot commented 3 years ago

Hi @maurolepore! I started adding some test files (for now I've finished the one for the main function of the package, the get_biomass function). Some files in the test/testthat folder were added a long time ago, in particular the test-data, test-master, and test-type_allodb_master that give errors when run. I don't know what they should be testing and if they're still relevant now, but I don't want to remove them either before knowing why they were added in the first place. Did you add them or do you know if I can remove them or change them? Thank you!

maurolepore commented 3 years ago

Happy 2021! Great to know you are moving forward. I suspect you no longer use these tests and you may delete them. You may find your own way to test the code behaves as you expect.


These "regression tests" compare specific datasets against a stored reference, and fail when they are different so you explore why. If the differences in all datasets are expected, you can update all the references with the latest state of the datasets: Set update = TRUE in line 7 then re-run the tests. Then you can set again update = FALSE and the tests should pass. If the differences are unexpected, then you will need to explore why.

Here is one example of an dataset that is now different from its old reference:

If you don't use this system to alert you about changes in the data, you may delete this file.



Let me know if you need more details.

cpiponiot commented 3 years ago

Thanks @maurolepore ! I've updated test-data and removed the master() and type_allodb_master() functions (with associated test files) that we don't use anymore. Everything seems to be working fine :)