ropensci / allodb

An R package for biomass estimation at extratropical forest plots.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use data from normalized .csv database #53

Closed maurolepore closed 6 years ago

maurolepore commented 6 years ago

Today @gonzalezeb gave me green flag to use data from the split .csv database -- which from now on will be the place to enter data. Also I'll point to this issue when cleaning data-raw/ (removing files that we no longer will be using). This is mostly to have a reference of the commits that remove files -- in case we later need to recover them.

maurolepore commented 6 years ago

Done. Closing now. @gonzalezeb, notice the new function master(), which joins equations, sitespecies , and site_info.


#> # A tibble: 665 x 47
#>    equation_id equation_form equation_allome~ dependent_varia~
#>    <chr>       <chr>         <chr>            <chr>           
#>  1 2060ea      10^(a+b*(log~ 10^(1.1891+1.41~ Total abovegrou~
#>  2 2060ea      10^(a+b*(log~ 10^(1.1891+1.41~ Total abovegrou~
#>  3 a4d879      10^(a+b*(log~ 10^(1.2315+1.63~ Total abovegrou~
#>  4 a4d879      10^(a+b*(log~ 10^(1.2315+1.63~ Total abovegrou~
#>  5 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#>  6 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#>  7 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#>  8 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#>  9 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#> 10 c59e03      exp(a+b*ln(D~ exp(7.217+1.514~ Stem biomass (w~
#> # ... with 655 more rows, and 43 more variables:
#> #   independent_variable <chr>, allometry_specificity.x <chr>,
#> #   geographic_area <chr>, dbh_min_cm.x <chr>, dbh_max_cm.x <chr>,
#> #   sample_size <chr>, dbh_units_original <chr>,
#> #   biomass_units_original <chr>, allometry_development_method <chr>,
#> #   regression_model <chr>, other_equations_tested <chr>,
#> #   log_biomass <chr>, bias_corrected <chr>, bias_correction_factor <chr>,
#> #   notes_fitting_model <chr>, original_data_availability <chr>,
#> #   warning <chr>, ref_id <chr>, site <chr>, family <chr>, species <chr>,
#> #   species_code <chr>, life_form <chr>,
#> #   dependent_variable_biomass_component.y <chr>, equation_grouping <chr>,
#> #   allometry_specificity.y <chr>, proxy_species <chr>,
#> #   dbh_min_cm.y <chr>, dbh_max_cm.y <chr>, notes_on_species <chr>,
#> #   wsg_id <chr>, wsg_specificity <chr>, id <chr>, Site <chr>, lat <chr>,
#> #   long <chr>, UTM_Zone <chr>, UTM_X <chr>, UTM_Y <chr>,
#> #   intertropical <chr>, size.ha <chr>, E <chr>, <chr>

Created on 2018-10-03 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

View(master() is quite nice. Try cliking the Filter icon on the top left.
