ropensci / auunconf

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Experiment with (and potentially build on) the ALA R package #40

Open cofiem opened 8 years ago

cofiem commented 8 years ago

From "The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) provides tools to enable users of biodiversity information to find, access, combine and visualise data on Australian plants and animals; these have been made available from Here we provide a subset of the tools to be directly used within R.

ALA4R enables the R community to directly access data and resources hosted by the ALA. Our goal is to enable outputs (e.g. observations of species) to be queried and output in a range of standard formats."

My particular interest is in citizen science contributions to the ALA (I'm not sure what information is available), and how the contributions are assessed.

mdsumner commented 8 years ago

I am happy to help with this if needed, I need some guidance on changes. I was hoping to get this package into shape for CRAN.