ropensci / av

Working with Video in R
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Disclaimer about importing `av` when developing packages #15

Closed tylermorganwall closed 5 years ago

tylermorganwall commented 5 years ago

I uploaded the latest version of rayshader this morning, and was soon blessed by the following email from Brian D Ripley:

You have added the strict requirement of 'av', a package which is not 
easy to install - see . 
And it is not necessary for the package depending on yours, windfarmGA, 
which now cannot be installed without av.

Please use 'av' in Suggests at most

If there isn't a way to make the package easy to install (probably referring to Solaris compatibility), I think it would nice to have a disclaimer about this so others don't end up getting emailed by BDR every time they Import the package.

jeroen commented 5 years ago

CRAN is a bit arbitrary about these things. And I think BDR was in a bad mood because he had a hard time building ffmpeg (he contacted me as well), but that should be solved now :-)

I think the general idea here makes sense, to avoid strict dependency on non-essential things. However in this case I disagree because I think video support really improves rayshader, and av is really quite not that hard to install on most systems (except for perhaps solaris 🤷‍♀ ).