ropensci / av

Working with Video in R
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Scale argument in `av_video_convert` #42

Open stla opened 2 years ago

stla commented 2 years ago


I use av to convert some GIFs to MOV files, in order to upload them to Youtube. If the width or the height of the GIF is not divisible by 2, that doesn't work. Therefore it would be nice if we could scale the video by 2. A possibility is:

av_video_convert <- function (video, output = "output.mp4", verbose = TRUE, scale = NULL) 
    info <- av_media_info(video)
    if (nrow(info$video) == 0) 
        stop("No suitable input video stream found")
    framerate <- info$video$framerate[1]
    audio <- if (length(info$audio) && nrow(info$audio)) 
    vf <- if(is.null(scale))
        sprintf("scale=iw*%s:ih*%s", scale, scale)
    av_encode_video(input = video, audio = audio, output = output, 
        framerate = framerate, vfilter = vf, verbose = verbose)

Would you agree to make this change? (or I can do a PR if you want).

muschellij2 commented 2 years ago

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