ropensci / awardFindR

Scan multiple online grant databases for relevant awards
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error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors #26

Closed wsphd closed 2 years ago

wsphd commented 2 years ago

I changed the keyword argument from "ethnography" in my example to "data" (and even more specifically "data science" (e.g., awardFindR::search_awards(keywords="data")) and I get the following error:

Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors In addition: Warning message: In request(url, "post", verbose, payload) : Bad Request (HTTP 400).

mccallc commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the report.

I recreated this error, and it looks like it's the same issue as #20, when a search is so broad that it pulls in over 10,000 NIH awards. This is a limitation of the NIH RePORTER API.

I'm currently testing out a new NIH search strategy that will hopefully improve specificity for searches like "data science". Because the 10,000 limit comes from the API, though, a search as generic as "data" may be difficult to make work without narrow date parameters

mccallc commented 2 years ago

Partially fixed in commit f688af5d620903b2837e097a69fb44fd1ad58ddb