ropensci / bib2df

Parse a BibTeX file to a tibble
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Deprecation Warning from tibble 2.0.0 #50

Open hannahlowens opened 2 years ago

hannahlowens commented 2 years ago

When using bib2df (version 1.1.1) bib2df:::bib2df_gather(bib = myBib) I get the following warning:

Warning (test-occCitePrint.R:19:3): regular print as_data_frame() was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0. Please use as_tibble() instead. The signature and semantics have changed, see ?as_tibble. This warning is displayed once every 8 hours. Call lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings() to see where this warning was generated.

It looks like this could be fixed by replacing dat <- as_data_frame(dat) with dat <- as_tibble(dat).

LukasWallrich commented 2 years ago

Duplicates #48?

Seems to be fixed in development version that can be installed with devtools::install_github("ropensci/bib2df")

HedvigS commented 3 months ago

@giabaio can we please have a new version released on CRAN? This fix is really helpful as it quiets annoying warnings.

Please and thank you